Topical issues of forest pest monitoring using the pheromone method in the forest tracts of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry" are substantiated, and the organizational aspects of this promising event in the fight against major pests of forest plantations in the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry" are considered.The subject of the work is the physiological features of conifers and leaf-eating forest pests, which are common in the forests of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry". Particular attention in the research process was paid to such forest pests as: pine luboid, apical bark beetle, six-toothed bark beetle, pine sawfly, pine goldfinch, May beetle, marble beetle. These species have become widespread not only in the forest edatopes of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry", but also in the forest ecosystems of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. All of the above forest pests cause significant damage to forest stands at different ages. A significant degree of entomological load per unit of forested area in the conditions of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry" exacerbates the harmful effects of the above pests, which leads to massive damage to forests, their drying and death.The aim of the work is a detailed study of the possibility of using the method of pheromone diagnostics and monitoring of forest pests, as well as the possibility of preventing the destruction of forest edatopes on the example of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske forestry".The main methods of work on the introduction of pheromone monitoring of forest pests are calculation and analytical collection and processing of the results of forest entomological examination of pine, oak, birch plantations, monitoring of the impact of different types of pheromone traps on the effectiveness of entomological forecasts. , as well as conducting route surveys of arriving and mature stands to determine the nature of drying depending on the degree of damage by different species of needles and leaf-eating pests.According to the results of the work, it was established that pheromones are a very effective method of monitoring and diagnosing various types of forest pests. It was found that most of the studied forest pests respond quite effectively to pheromonization and this will further allow not only to monitor but also to predict possible outbreaks of mass reproduction of forest pests in the conditions not only of the State Enterprise "Zarichanske Forestry" Zhytomyr Polissya in particular.The scope of the research results is forestry enterprises of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting in order to preserve and protect pine, oak, aspen, birch, alder forest plantations from forest pests in the Polissya region of Ukraine.The conclusions of the research are that the use of pheromones in pheromone traps allows to detect the presence of the species in nature, the beginning of flight of the adult pest and to determine the time for measures to destroy it, to obtain data on the number of poisoned pests during the flight or other period of time. . Conduct forest pathological observations of changes in the number of pest populations. The pheromone method of diagnosis makes it possible to objectively count the outbreaks of certain species of forest pests and the ability to compare their current numbers with the number of pests of previous years. Promptly implement measures to carry out forest protection measures in the Polissya zone of Zhytomyr region. Practical recommendations for the use of pheromones for monitoring and forecasting of coniferous and leaf-eating pests are given, the threshold (economically dangerous) quantities of catching pests with pheromone traps are recommended. As a result of our research, we found that the maximum criterion for catching silkworms-nuns in pine plantations during the flight is 50 males / ha. The traps are placed at the rate of 4-6 pcs. on 3-5 hectares. For the unpaired silkworm, this figure is 60 males, for the pine moth - 30. Pheromone traps are essential in determining the direction and rate of spread of populations of major coniferous and leaf-eating pests. We found that the use of pheromone traps in accounting areas located in hard-to-reach habitats of pests has significant prospects, where the use of traditional methods of counting (route-key ground survey with felling of trees and knocking) at the beginning and end of the season remains almost the only method. observation and requires large labor and material costs. It has been established that pheromone traps make it possible to study previously unknown aspects of the biology and ecology of pests of the squamous family. It is investigated that the variability of some morphological characteristics of adult insects during the flight season, as well as the mechanisms of sexual communication of adults, the study of which is of great importance in the organization of the pheromone monitoring system. It is substantiated that the use of pheromone traps for monitoring forest entomological studies is especially appropriate at extremely low densities of forest pest populations, when it is almost impossible to detect the insect visually. It is proved that the use of pheromone traps allows to predict the timing of measures to control leaf and coniferous rodent pests in forest stands. As a result of research, we have proved that pheromone traps are used as a means to reduce the number of males by catch, ie to create a so-called male vacuum, thus trying to increase the number of unfertilized females in the population. The results of research confirm that this method of control of scale insects is possible only in relatively small isolated forest stands with a low number of pests and is often ineffective. We found that this method is most often applied to bark beetles and to a lesser extent to beetles. During the research, we observed numerous examples of reducing the loss of forest stands when catching bark beetles in this way.Keywords: pheromones, traps, coniferous-rodent pests, leaf-rodent pests, monitoring, prognosis, adult.
Topical issues of forest regeneration in the territories of the State Forest Fund of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, which were passed by large-scale forest fires, are substantiated. The processes of forest regeneration in the conditions of tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» are analyzed, as well as organizational and ecological-forestry aspects are considered.The subject of the work is reforestation on fires, which were formed as a result of large-scale forest fires in 2018, 2020 in the forests of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry». Particular attention in the research process was paid to the condition of areas after large-scale forest fires, as well as technological features of reforestation in areas that were passed by large-scale forest fires, including in terms of radioactively contaminated soils. Today, these aspects are becoming extremely important for the restoration of forests in the post-fire period on fires not only in the forest edatopes of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry», but also in the forest ecosystems of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting. All the above elements of reforestation have significant practical economic value for forestry enterprises, as the issue of reforestation of fires is quite relevant in their production activities. A significant degree of forest burnout as a result of large-scale forest fires in 2018, 2020 in the forest edatops of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» significantly affected not only the state of economic development, but also the strategic sustainable development and infrastructure of settlements located in areas of large-scale forest fires, as well as, unfortunately, human casualties from the local population. All this emphasizes the extreme relevance and prospects of research on reforestation and the impossibility of recurrence and spread to large areas of forest fires in the region of Ovruch-Slovenian ridge.The aim of the work is to study in detail the possibility of conducting operational reforestation measures in areas affected by the fire of large-scale forest fires in 2020 and to predict the possibility of preventing the recurrence and spread of forest fires in large forested areas and settlements located in the «Ovruch Forestry».The main methods of reforestation after large-scale forest fires in forest tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» are calculation and analytical collection and processing of the results of the laid trial areas on forest fires in 2018, 2020 monitoring of the impact of various forest fires in the forest. period on fires of different degrees of burning of wood, shrub, grass vegetation and litter for the effectiveness of afforestation of large-scale fires in the forest edata of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry», as well as route surveys of areas adjacent to the centers of large-scale forest fires determining the degree of thermal damage to stands from exposure to high temperatures, infrared irradiation of arriving and mature stands, analysis of the effectiveness of measures to localize and extinguish large-scale forest fires, including the use of aircraft of the SES of Ukraine. Determining the nature of the population of forest stands, which were weakened due to the direct impact of forest fires, but were not destroyed by fire, forest and coniferous rodent pests. This will make it possible in the next 10 years to predict possible outbreaks and spread of forest pests from weakened stands as a result of large-scale forest fires in 2020 in arriving and mature stands to determine the nature of drying and damage to various species of conifers and leaf-eating rodents.According to the results of the work it was established that forest fires of the State Forest Fund of Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting and forest tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» in particular should be restored by creating forest crops by planting after soil preparation taking into account the conditions of radioactive contamination -15 Ki/km2. It was found that most of the studied forest fires by the degree of burnout from the influence of combustion factors during the development of large-scale forest fires are suitable for reforestation without prior soil reclamation and reclamation measures, which will further effectively conduct forest reforestation after forest fires. in the conditions not only of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry», but also in the area of Zhytomyr Polissya in particular.The scope of research is the forestry enterprises of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, forest tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» in which appropriate measures were taken to preserve and protect forests from large-scale forest fires, as well as further prevent victims among pine, oak, aspen, birch, alder forest plantations from forest pests in the Polissya zone of Ukraine.The conclusions of the research are that the application of the proposed measures for reforestation after large-scale forest fires allows at the initial stage of forest formation after reforestation in edatopes C2-C3 of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» to create viable pine, pine, oak which is resistant to pests and diseases. The proposed methods of reforestation after large-scale forest fires make it possible to plant forests under different mixing schemes without additional reclamation and reclamation measures, including in conditions of radioactive contamination with a density of 10-15 Ki/km2, to implement measures for fire prevention in conditions of the Polissya zone of Zhytomyr region. Practical recommendations on the use of forest regeneration methods in the territories of the Zhytomyr Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting to prevent cases of rapid occurrence and rapid spread of large-scale forest fires. As a result of our research, we found that the most effective reforestation occurs after high-intensity forest fires, after which the combustion of a layer of above-ground forest combustible materials and subsequent loss of burnt trees creates favorable conditions for emergence and growth of seedlings. We have established a close link between reforestation in areas affected by large-scale forest fires with 45% burning of forest combustible materials and the duration of the period of post-pyrological impact, which is particularly clear after high-intensity forest fires, which were observed in 2018, 2020 territories of forest tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry». It is established that after low-intensity forest fires the process of formation of viable undergrowth in pines of types C2-C3 is stretched for a longer period. It is determined that reforestation in pine plantations of types C2-C3 after large-scale forest fires of high intensity is satisfactory. It is analyzed that reforestation after medium and low intensity fires in 55% of cases the amount of undergrowth is not enough for successful reforestation. It is proved that after fire restoration in the conditions of forest types C2-C3 of the State enterprise «Ovruch forestry» occurs without change of breeds. As a result of the conducted researches we proved that after fire reforestation in the territories affected by large-scale forest fires with application of the offered schemes of mixing of wood breeds will give the chance to carry out afforestation with survival of seedlings by 85-90% more effectively. The results of the research confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methods of reforestation of forest fires after large-scale forest fires and may be useful in addressing the urgency of reforestation measures in the affected forest tracts of the State Enterprise «Ovruch Forestry» and in the Zhytomyr Regional Department. hunting economy in particular.
Topical issues of remote assessment of the forest pathological condition of forests are substantiated, in particular, it is emphasized that today this type of decryption is the least developed link in the section of forest decoding. This is due to the unstable manifestation and diagnosis on the materials of aeronautical surveys of signs of deciphering trees and plantations of varying degrees of attenuation and drying. Forest decoding of aerospace imagery materials today is the process of recognizing aerial objects depicted on aerospace images and establishing their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The subject of the work is the fundamental aspects of forest decoding, which in turn can be visual (eye, analytical), measuring, automatic (machine), as well as complex-analytical or automated (interactive). For all types of visual decoding of the investigated forest objects, as a rule, characterize, on the basis of decryption signs, its image on an aerial photo or space picture (on paper or computer screen) with the naked eye or by means of magnifying or stereoscopic devices. Therefore, methodological correctness and clarity in deciphering satellite images of forest arrays obtained through satellite communication channels is quite important today, using satellite and internet technologies. The purpose of the study is to study and systematize materials for deciphering geoinformation images of forests that were obtained by satellite sounding of forests in Ukraine as a whole, and in the Zhytomyr region in particular. The main methods of carrying out the works are the computational-analytical on the collection and processing of the results of space images of satellite sounding of forests located in the territory of Zhytomyr region. In addition, it should be noted that remote satellite sensing of forests enables, with the correct methodological decryption of space images, not only to monitor, but also to make a prediction of the spread of harmful organisms in the forests of Zhytomyr region. The main methods of carrying out the works are the computational-analytical on the collection and processing of the results of space images of satellite sounding of forests located in the territory of Zhytomyr region. In addition, it should be noted that remote satellite sensing of forests enables, with the correct methodological decryption of space images, not only to monitor, but also to make a prediction of the spread of harmful organisms in the forests of Zhytomyr region. According to the results of the work, it is established that the information from the aerospace image is read and analyzed by means of visual and logical devices of the decoder. Therefore, analytical decryption, and especially with the use of certified computer software, allows not only a high-quality reading of space images of forest covered areas of Zhytomyr region, but also to make a long-term forecast for the spread and spread of pests and diseases of the forest in a certain area. The scope of the research results are forestry enterprises of the Zhytomyr Regional Forestry and Hunting Directorate, Ecological and Naturalistic Centers, State environmental inspections including in the Zhytomyr region for space monitoring of the state of forest ecosystems, as well as conducting forestry and nature activities forest of Zhytomyr Polesie. The conclusions of the research are that in Zhytomyr Polissya, when measuring decryption, all or some of the parameters and characteristics of the decrypted objects are measured in pictures using mechanical, opto-mechanical, opto-electronic and other measuring instruments, devices, devices and systems. In analytical-measuring decryption, a visual-logical analysis of the image is combined with the measurement of different parameters of the decrypted objects. Automatic decryption is based on the recognition of spectral and morphometric characteristics of decrypted objects, their quantitative and qualitative indicators. In this case, the decryption process is performed using image processing equipment. The role of the individual is to create a system, define a specific task and process the captured information with the help of appropriate programs, and to maintain the normal functioning of the system. Automated (interactive) decryption combines elements of analytic-measuring, performed by the decryptor-operator on the image on the computer screen, with automatic decryption. In this case, the collected information is analyzed and processed using technical means of image processing with the active participation of the decoder. Depending on the location, the decryption can be field, camera (laboratory), aerial or combined. Field decryption is carried out directly on the ground by comparing the image on aerial or space images with nature. The field decryption method is the simplest and most accurate, but it takes a lot of time and labor. Cameral decryption is carried out in the laboratory, while reducing the cost of engineering staff and workers, there is an acceleration of work and a significant reduction in their cost. Camera decryption is always done with the help of additional cartographic, regulatory and other stock materials. Aero-visual decryption is performed by comparing images of identified objects in aerial or space imagery with terrain when flying on planes or helicopters. The analysis of the informative content of the shooting materials shows that their practical application is possible, as a rule, on the basis of a rational combination of methods of terrestrial and remote observations.Keywords: remote evaluation, forest pathological condition, aerial photos, aerial photos, remote satellite sounding of forests, signs of decryption, space monitoring of forests in Zhytomyr region.
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