Gladiol (Gladiolus hybridus L.) merupakan komoditas tanaman hias yang mempunyai prospek pengembangan yang cukup cerah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Salah satu penyakit utama yang menyerang tanaman tersebut ialah layu yang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli. Di Indonesia, kehilangan hasil akibat serangan patogen tersebut hampir mencapai 100%. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengendalikan F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli serta mendorong pertumbuhan tunas subang gladiol melalui pengasapan dan aplikasi biopestisida. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung (1.100 m dpl.) dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2009. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan sembilan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengasapan dari hasil pembakaran tempurung kelapa yang ditambah dengan Prima BAPF dapat merangsang pertumbuhan tunas pada subang gladiol, tetapi tidak mampu menekan jumlah subang terinfeksi dan intensitas penyakit busuk Fusarium di gudang penyimpanan. Untuk percobaan yang dilakukan di lapangan, perlakuan gabungan antara pengasapan dari hasil pembakaran tempurung kelapa yang ditambah dengan belerang dan Prima BAPF merupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk mengendalikan penyakit layu Fusarium. Aplikasi perlakuan tersebut menurunkan jumlah tanaman layu, menurunkan nilai AUDPC perlakuan, dan dapat meningkatkan produksi bunga gladiol. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diadopsi oleh petani guna mengendalikan F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli secara luas.<br /><br /><br />Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus L) is one of the most economically important cut flowers in Indonesia. The crops is commonly cultivated in the highland. Cultivations of the crops in the production centers have faced various problems especially wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli as the most important one. Based on the field observations, it was known that the disease can reduce plant production and its yield quality up to 100%. The experiment was aimed to determine the effect of fumigation by using smoke produced by burned up coconut shell and biopesticide on gladioulus bud growth and fusarial wilt incidence. The expereiment was carried out at the Laboratory, Glasshouse and the field of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (1,100 m asl.) since January to December 2009. A randomized block design with nine treatments and three replications was used. The results indicated that fumigation by using smoke of burned up coconut shell combined with biopesticide Prima BAPF stimulated gladiolus bud growth, but did not suppress infection of the bulb and fusarial disease intensity at the storage. Base on the field trial, fumigation by smoke of burned up coconut shell combined with sulphur and Prima BAPF was proven to be the best treatment. Application of the treatment significantly reduced disease intensity, AUDPC value, and increased flower production. This research result is expected to be adopted by farmers in order to widely control the F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli.<br /><br />
<p>ABSTRAK. Layu Fusarium merupakan penyakit penting yang menjadi kendala dalam memproduksi tanaman anggrek. Untuk mengendalikannya, petani masih menggunakan fungsida. Tanaman anggrek kerap ditampilkan sebagai hiasan yang dekat dengan lingkungan manusia, maka penggunaan pestisida perlu diperhatikan. Oleh karena itu sangat penting dicari cara pengendalian lainnya yang aman terhadap lingkungan, antara lain dengan pengendalian hayati. Tujuan penelitian ialah mendapatkan isolat bakteri antagonis yang dapat mengendalikan layu Fusarium pada tanaman Phalaenopsis. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung (1100 m dpl.) serta untuk mikrob diisolasi dari lokasi tanaman hortikultura di Jawa Barat dan DKI Jakarta, mulai Bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2010. Penelitian meliputi isolasi Fusarium spp. sebagai patogen pada tanaman anggrek di beberapa lokasi, isolasi bakteri antagonis, uji kemangkusan bakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Fusarium spp. di laboratorium, dan uji kemangkusan bakteri antagonis terhadap layu Fusarium di rumah kasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab layu Fusarium pada tanaman Phalaenopsis ialah Fusarium oxysporum. Dari 154 isolat bakteri yang diisolasi dari lapangan, hanya ada tiga isolat yaitu nomor B23, B 26, dan B37 yang dapat menekan pertumbuhan F. oxysporum pada media PDA. Sampai dengan pengamatan minggu ke-10 setelah inokulasi, ketiga bakteri tersebut masing-masing menekan jumlah tanaman yang terserang layu Fusarium, yaitu sebesar 46,9; 48,9; dan 65,3%, dan masing-masing menekan intensitas penyakit layu 50,5; 43,9; dan 55,1%.</p><p>ABSTRACT. Djatnika, I 2012. Selection of Antagonistic Bacteria for Controlling of Fusarium Wilt on Phalaenopsis Plants. Fusarium wilt is an important disease as constraint on production of orchid plants. The control of Fusarium wilt of orchids with fungicides often use by farmers. Orchid plants are often displayed as a decoration which is close to the human environment, so the application of pesticides have to get attention. It is therefore necessary to find another method that is safe for environments, such as using of biological control. The purpose of the study was to get isolates of bacterial antagonists for controlling of Fusarium wilt of Phalaenopsis plants. The experiment was conducted at Laboratory and Screenhouse of Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute, Segunung (1100 m asl.) and the microbes were isolated from horticultural area in West Java and DKI Jakarta since January until December 2010. The research comprised of isolation of Fusarium spp. from orchid plants in some location, isolation of bacterial antagonists, the effectiveness of the bacteria to suppress Fusarium spp. growth in laboratory, and the effectiveness of the bacteria to control Fusarium wilt on Phalaenopsis plants in the screenhouse. The results showed that the causal Fusarium wilt of Phalaenopsis plants was identified as Fusarium oxysporum. Three of 154 isolates of bacteria, i.e. isolates number of B23, B26, and B37, could suppress of F. oxysporum growth on PDA media. Observation up to 10 weeks after inoculation, the three bacteria could reduce the number of plants attacked by Fusarium wilt , which were 46.9; 48.9; and 65.3% respectively, and each of them suppress wilt disease intensity 50.5, 43.9, and 55.1% respectively. <br /><br /></p>
<p>Puccinia horiana Henn. merupakan patogen penting penyebab penyakit karat putih yang menimbulkan kerugian signifikan dalam budidaya krisan, baik bunga potong atau tanaman pot. Aplikasi fungisida sintetik yang sering diandalkan oleh petani dan pengusaha tidak hanya memerlukan biaya yang lebih mahal, namun juga berdampak pada kerusakan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu pemanfaatan fungisida nabati yang lebih murah dan ramah terhadap lingkungan dapat menjadi alternatif pemecahannya. Beberapa fungisida nabati seperti Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, dan Sitron-E berbahan aktif minyak atsiri cengkih, nimba, kayu manis, serai wangi, dan asam salisilat telah diproduksi dan dikomersialisasikan oleh Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat. Aplikasi fungisida tersebut diduga berpengaruh positif dalam menekan penyakit karat putih. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi keefektifan empat produk fungisida nabati tersebut dalam mengendalikan penyakit karat putih dan meningkatkan kualitas pertumbuhan krisan. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Plastik di Poncokusumo, Malang, Jawa Timur sejak Bulan Januari hingga Desember 2010. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan ialah Dendranthema grandiflora cv. Swarna Kencana. Perlakuan yang diuji ialah 3 ml/l untuk Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, dan Sitron-E, serta 1,5 ml/l Amistartop 35 EC sebagai kontrol positif dan air sebagai kontrol negatif. Percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua fungisida nabati yang diuji efektif mengendalikan penyakit karat pada krisan. Perlakuan tersebut menurut uji statistik memiliki kemampuan yang sebanding dengan Amistartop. Penurunan intensitas karat putih oleh perlakuan Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, Sitron-E, dan Amistartop berturut-turut sebesar 49; 37,74; 32,43; 29,78; dan 48,33%. Aplikasi Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, dan Sitron-E tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, diameter bunga, dan vaselife bunga. Aplikasi hasil penelitian ini dapat memberi manfaat untuk petani dan pengusaha dalam menurunkan biaya produksi serta meningkatkan pendapatan petani dan pengusaha karena harga keempat biofungisida murah dan tanpa dampak negatif terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.</p><p> </p><p>Controlling white rust disease (Puccinia horiana Henn.) on chrysanthemum with some biofungicides P. horiana Henn. is important pathogen causing white rust disease that may lead to a significant lost in chrysanthemum cultivation (both for cut flower and pot plant). Synthetic fungicide commonly applied by farmers are causing not only high production costs, but also endangering the environment. Confronting to this situation, the use of biofungicide that are considered cheaper and more environmental friendly has become a relevant and promising alternative. Several biofungicides such as Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, and Sitron-E with active ingredient of clove oil, neem, cinnamon, citronella, and salicylic acid have been commersialized by the Indonesian Medical and Spice Crops Research Institute. In this study those biofungicides were hypothesized to have great potential in control the white rust disease. The main objective of this study was to obtain information regarding the efficacy of four biofungicides in controlling white rust disease on chrysanthemum. The experiment was conducted at Plastichouse in Poncokusumo, Malang, East Java from January to December 2010 by using Dendranthema grandiflora cv. Swarna Kencana as planting materials. The treatments were consisted of 3 ml/l application of Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, and Sitron-E 1.5 ml/l application of difenokonazol + azoxistrobin (Amistartop 35 EC) as a positive control and water as negative control. The experiment was set up using a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. The results showed that all tested biofungicides were quite effective in controlling white rust disease on chrysanthemum and had similar effectiveness in reducing disease intensity compared to Amistartop. Cees EC, Neem-plus, Cekam EC, Sitron-E, and Amistartop had been able to reduce the white rust disease intensity by 49; 37.74; 32.43; 29.78; and 48.33% respectively. In the meantime, those biofungicides did not show significant effect on plant height, stem diameter, flower diameter, and flower vaselife. The use of biofungicides seems potentially promising to increase farmers income because the price of biofungicides were cheap and maintain environmental sustainability.</p>
ABSTRAK. Perakitan kultivar yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan Erwinia carotovora dapat dilakukan dengan teknik induksi mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh mutagen etil metan sulfonat (EMS) terhadap perubahan genetik di antaranya kapasitas regenerasi tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis pada kultur in vitro dan mengetahui lethal concentration (LC) mutagen EMS pada anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan sembilan perlakuan konsentrasi EMS dan diulang tiga kali. Mutagen kimia yang digunakan yaitu EMS dengan konsentrasi 0 ; 0,025 ; 0,050 ; 0,075 ; 0,1; 0,125 ; 0,15 ; 0,175; dan 0,2%. Eksplan berupa meristem aksilar anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis ditanam pada medium dasar MS+ 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA dan diinkubasi pada ruang kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etil metan sulfonat memberi pengaruh pada pertumbuhan meristem hibrida Phalaenopsis dalam membentuk tunas. EMS dengan konsentrasi 0,025 dan 0,05% memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap jumlah tunas dan tinggi tunas. LC 50 untuk karakter persentase pembentukan tunas ialah 0,112%. Terdapat dua konsentrasi EMS, yaitu 0,025 dan 0,05% yang memberi pengaruh terbaik pada pembentukan tunas hibrida Phalaenopsis. Diperoleh beberapa regeneran mutan potensial dari berbagai perlakukan < 0,15% EMS yang perlu diuji dengan isolat Erwinia carotovora.Katakunci: Hibrida anggrek Phalaenopsis; Induksi mutasi; EMS ABSTRACT. Qosim, WA, Istifadah, N, Djatnika, I, and Yunitasari 2012. Effect of Ethyl Methane Sulphonate Mutagent to Capacity of Shoot Regenerations on In Vitro PhalaenopsisHybrid. To improve cultivars resistance to soft rot disease caused by Erwinia carotovora can be done by using mutation induction. The research objective was to determine the effect of EMS mutagent Phalaenopsis hybrid to change the genetic i.e. capacity of plant regeneration in vitro culture and the lethal concentration (LC) of EMS mutagent in Phalaenopsis hybrid. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with nine concentrations of EMS treatment and repeated three times. The mutagent of EMS concentrations used were 0, 0.025; 0.050; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125; 0.15; 0.175; and 0.2%. The meristem axilar as explant was be grown on basic medium MS suplemented with 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA and incubated in culture room. The results showed that the influence on growth of EMS meristem Phalaenopsis hybrids. The EMS mutagent with concentration of 0.025 and 0.05% gave better effect to the high number of shoots and buds. LC 50 of the percentage of bud formation character was 0.112%. Two EMS concentrations were 0.025 and 0.05% provided the best influence on the formation of shoot Phalaenopsis hybrid. There were many regenerants potential mutant from several EMS treatments < 0.15 % that should be tested by isolate of E. carotovora.
White rust caused by fungal pathogen Puccinia horiana P. Henn. is one devastated disease that could make significant economic loss in chrysanthemum production. The study of effects of varieties, cutting health and fungicide application on chrysanthemum white rust was established. The treatments were arranged in split-split plot completely randomized design with three replications. Three chrysanthemum varieties i.e. cv. Puma White, Reagent Purple and Town Talk served as main plot. Seedlings with 20 % intensity of white rust infection and symptomless functioned as sub plot, while fungicide application on the transplanted cutting (no fungicide) and dithiocarbamate (Antracol R 75 WP, 2 g L -1 ) application served as sub-sub plot. Result showed genetic background of the cultivars significantly determined the degree of infection of white rust. Reagent Purple exhibited least disease intensities. Fungicide application was less effective in controlling white rust development, yet gave significant impact on the plant height and number of leaves of chrysanthemum plants. Cuttings selection based on the visual observation on the presence or absence of white rust pustules symptom did not gave significant differences on the further development of the disease. The symptomless cuttings were also infected with this fungal disease after the cuttings were planted under plastic house.
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