Seagrass transplantation in the large-scale requires a large number of seagrass individu from donor ecosystem. This may give negative impact as damage and reducing the number of seagrass in donor ecosystem. One of methods to overcome this case is by developing transplants using seagrass nut as source for seed. Substrate is one of factors that influence the growth of seagrass. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of differences in substrate composition on morphologi and growth of Enhalus acoroides seeds. Observations were carried out by treatment using mud, sand and mixed substrates sand with mud. The survival rate of Enhalus acoroides seeds was quite high of 100% but it had a lower value of 93.30% on sand substrate. The longest leaf is on the mud substrate with a length of 5.9 cm, the leaf width has the same size in each substrate with a value of 0.4 cm, the highest number of leaves were found in the sand and mixture substrate with 5 strands, the longest root size was in the mixed substrate with a length of 5 cm. The growth of Enhalus acoroides seagrass seeds did not show any significant difference. The highest growth was found in the mud substrate with a value of 0.10 cm/day. Keywords: Enhalus acoroides, seagrass,seed, substrate, transplantation
This study investigates the status and anthropogenic pressures on seagrass ecosystem. Urbanization and tourism in the coastal areas of Bintan, Indonesia were increasing in the recent years. They have become new pressures to intertidal ecosystem and habitats, particularly seagrass ecosystem. Seagrass meadows are the important ecosystem and habitats in Bintan region. They provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including for small-scale fisheries and have being Dugongs (Dugong dugon) habitats for food. Currently, the sea grass status is less healthy or damaged with 11 species. The anthropogenic disturbance processes have affected the spatial distribution, percent coverage, biodiversity, and community structure of sea grass. Moreover, several species are hard to find. Directly, sea grass meadows are impacted by introduced coastal development (i.e. settlement area, tourism accommodation, port, etc.), land-based pollution, reclamation, boating traffic, dredging activities and tourism activities. Sea grass conservation area and marine spatial planning based on the land- and seascape connectivity is important for conservation efforts and sustainable management of sea grass.
Macroalgae is one of the marine resources that have the ability as an antioxidant. Its ability is obtained from bioactive compounds produced through secondary metabolism. One type of macroalgae that has the potential as an antioxidant is Padina sp. This study aims to analyze the content of bioactive compounds in Padina sp and determine their antioxidant activity using DPPH as free radicals. Padina sp. was taken from the Bintan waters and shade-dried for three days. Bioactive compounds were analyzed through phytochemical screening to determine the content of flavonoid compounds, steroids, triterpenoids, saponins, and tannins. Determination of antioxidant activity begins with measuring the maximum wavelength of DPPH at 400-800 nm and determining the incubation time of the sample and DPPH. Antioxidant activity was determined based on the value of Inhibition concentration (IC50) at a wavelength of 515.5 nm; total phenolic content was determined using gallic acid standard (725 nm); total flavonoid content was determined using quercetin standard (415 nm), chlorophyll a and carotenoids were selected to determine pigment content on the sample. The results showed that Padina sp. contains flavonoid compounds, steroids, and tannins. Extract of Padina sp. has a total phenolic content of 46.02 mg/GAE g; total flavonoid content of 35.36 mg/QE g; chlorophyll content of 9.18 mg/g; and carotenoid content of 26.46 µmol/g. Methanol extract of Padina sp. has an IC50 value of 92.17 ppm and is classified as a strong antioxidant.
Uji gastropoda famili Neritidae terhadap habitatnya di ekosistem mangrove dilakukan di dua stasiun pengamatan di Pulau Tunda Serang Banten pada Januari 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis gastropoda famili Neritidae terhadap kesehatan hutan mangrove Pulau Tunda Serang Banten. . Pengumpulan data kondisi gastropoda famili Neritidae dilakukan dengan menggunakan plot berukuran 1 x 1 m dan dipasang pada plot transek vegetasi mangrove berukuran 10 x 10 m, dimana transek garis dan plot vegetasi mangrove ditarik dari titik acuan (tegakan mangrove bagian luar) dan tegak lurus terhadap garis pantai ke daratan.Kemudian keanekaragaman, dominansi, dan keseragaman gastropoda famili Neritidae dan hutan bakau Pulau Tunda Serang Banten dianalisis menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Weaver. Indeks dominasi Simpson dan indeks keseragaman Shannon-Weaver. Sedangkan hubungan kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae dan kerapatan hutan bakau Pulau Tunda Serang Banten dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae lebih tinggi dan lebih banyak ditemukan di mangrove kerapatan tinggi. Kemudian keanekaragaman dan dominasi gastropoda famili Neritidae rendah, sedangkan keseragamannya dalam keadaan seimbang.Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa semakin tinggi kerapatan hutan mangrove maka kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae juga semakin tinggi, sehingga gastropoda famili Neritidae dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator dalam menentukan kesehatan hutan mangrove.Sedangkan hubungan kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae dan kerapatan hutan mangrove Pulau Tunda Serang Banten dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae lebih tinggi dan lebih banyak spesies ditemukan pada mangrove kerapatan tinggi. Kemudian keanekaragaman dan dominasi gastropoda famili Neritidae rendah, sedangkan keseragamannya dalam keadaan seimbang. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa semakin tinggi kerapatan hutan mangrove maka kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae juga semakin tinggi, sehingga gastropoda famili Neritidae dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator dalam menentukan kesehatan hutan mangrove. Sedangkan hubungan kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae dan kerapatan hutan mangrove Pulau Tunda Serang Banten dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae lebih tinggi dan lebih banyak spesies ditemukan pada mangrove kerapatan tinggi. Kemudian keanekaragaman dan dominasi gastropoda famili Neritidae rendah, sedangkan keseragamannya dalam keadaan seimbang. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa semakin tinggi kerapatan hutan mangrove maka kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae juga semakin tinggi, sehingga gastropoda famili Neritidae dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator dalam menentukan kesehatan hutan mangrove. Kemudian keanekaragaman dan dominasi gastropoda famili Neritidae rendah, sedangkan keseragamannya dalam keadaan seimbang. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa semakin tinggi kerapatan hutan mangrove maka kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae juga semakin tinggi, sehingga gastropoda famili Neritidae dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator dalam menentukan kesehatan hutan mangrove. Kemudian keanekaragaman dan dominasi gastropoda famili Neritidae rendah, sedangkan keseragamannya dalam keadaan seimbang. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa semakin tinggi kerapatan hutan mangrove maka kerapatan gastropoda famili Neritidae juga semakin tinggi, sehingga gastropoda famili Neritidae dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator dalam menentukan kesehatan hutan mangrove.
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