Abstract:The paper introduces the problem of reducing impact of freight service trips in urban areas and presents the main design objectives, requirements, and steps of a new fully electric vehicle able to autonomously load and unload palletised or boxed freights. The subject is described under a multidisciplinary point of view integrating the mechatronic design, the efficient power supply system, the intelligent mobility control modules, the strategy for freight delivery planning, through a fleet of these vehicles, based on economic and behavioural modelling.Keywords: full electric vehicle; sustainable freight service; service trips planning in urban areas intelligent mobility control.Author: Please supply zip code in all author's affiliation.
R. Molfino et al.Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Molfino, R., Zoppi, M., Muscolo, G.G., Cepolina, E.M., Farina, A., Nashashibi, F., Pollard, E. and Dominguez, J.A. (xxxx) 'An electro-mobility system for freight service in urban areas ', Int. J. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Vol. x, No. x, pp.xxx- Author: Please reduce career history of no more than 100 words for the author 'Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo', 'Elvezia M. Cepolina' and 'Fawzi Nashashibi'.
An electro-mobility system for freight service in urban areas