INTRODUCCIÓNLas características de los pacientes que acuden al sistema sanitario público español han sido el centro de atención de numerosas publicaciones. Se han evaluado las características geográficas (núcleos rurales, zonas urbanas, distancias al centro sanitario) (1); las diferencias sociodemográficas (nivel cultural, situación laboral, problemática social, estructura familiar) (2); los motivos de consulta (patrones de morbilidad, patologías crónicas); los tipos de asistencia (programada, urgente, domiciliaria); los servicios sanitarios (estructura y organización, competencia del facultativo, grado de confianza) (3); las fluctuaciones temporales (climatología, día de la semana, franjas horarias); las particularidades del paciente (estado de salud, hiperfrecuentación, percepción de enfermedad, expectativas) (4), e, incluso, la influencia de determinados eventos (retransmisiones deportivas, mercados ambulantes, contaminación atmosférica) (5). Dichos estudios han [0212-7199 (2005) 22: 11; pp 515-519] ANALES DE MEDICINA INTERNA ABSTRACT Background: Different features of the users of the Spanish Public Health System have been previously assessed, specially in General Practice and Hospital Emergency Departments. Nevertheless, the epidemiological characteristics of those patients who attend to specialised clinics have not been so thoroughly evaluated.Patients and methods: The referee of the demand, the place of residence, the age and the sex of patients were all analysed for the ,first visits, at the Medical Department clinics (Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Pneumology) in our hospital, during 2002. Results: A total of 7,486 demands for attention (53.3% were women) were asked for by 5,841 patients (52.8%) were women. When analysing the variable ,place of residence, we find women asked for more frequently than men, in the categories of General Practice Department and age less than 60 years. Those patients coming from urban areas were more in percentage than those coming from rural areas. Whereas the, index of frequency, was higher in women than in men, however, there were no differences between urban and rural areas.Conclusion: In our targeted population we have observed a higher demand for medical clinics in women, though the actual demand will depend on factors such as age, place of residence and the referee. KEY WORDS: Demand for attendance. Outpatient assistance. Epidemiology. Referral of patients. Hospital attendance.¿Solicitan las mujeres más consultas al área médica que los hombres?