purpose. To determine specific aspects of the influence of components of ore mining enterprises' production potential (evi dence from the PJSC "Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Works") on financial efficiency of their activities and to establish a successful manage ment strategy under local and global competitive conditions considering impacts of technological trends. Methodology. Modeling and comparative analysis of econometric models of production potential development with and with out considering scientific and technological progress factors, applying best practices of forecasting an enterprise's financial results. findings. Additive and multiplicative models of influence of key components of production potential on the enterprise's finan cial activity results in Kryvyi Rih region are developed, and efficiency of these models is analyzed. Special attention is paid to sci entific and technological progress impacts on efficiency of the enterprise's activities, and specificity of the impact is considered when developing the program of strategic development of the enterprise. originality. The econometric modeling apparatus is applied for the first time to study impacts of production potential factors on efficiency of financial activities of a Kryvyi Rih region enterprise considering scientific and technological progress factors. The results are subject to detailed economicmathematical analysis and the built models are used for forecasting. practical value. The results obtained during the study are of practical value for managing large iron ore enterprises and can be used by them when developing strategic plans of managing their financial and operational activities.
With the existing complexity and variability of the modern market, the question of the expediency of further development and support of entrepreneurial activity remains relevant. In a reality where large funds are earned from the sale of information, communication, gadgets and computer entertainment, for a successful and rapidly growing business, you need to create your own startup. The main purpose of this work is to study the content analysis of the term "start-up", the specifics of the development of start-ups in entrepreneurial activity and the development of proposals for their activation. The article contains a content analysis of theoretical and semantic constructions in the definition of the term "startup". The author's vision of the term "startup" is provided, by which it is proposed to understand a new promising form of doing business, offering an innovative product or service, the purpose of which is rapid growth and scaling. The distinctive features of startups are considered, which include: short operational life cycle; unique idea; development of a high-tech product and innovative technology; scaling and high investment risks. The main stages of start-up development are revealed, namely: the seed stage; launch; early growth; extensions; exit. Certain problems in the development of startups have been identified. The types and characteristics of information technology startups are investigated separately: financial technology startups; medical technology startups; legal technology startups; educational technology startups. Complex process of development of startups in business should be: increased investment in intellectual potential; state support of domestic technological startups; information support for startups. Within the framework of the study, startups are recognized as key players in the venture capital market and are the main driver of innovative development of entrepreneurial activity, which increases interest in its unambiguous definition and research. It is the development of start-ups that contributes to the development of entrepreneurial activity, since with the emergence of an opportunity to embody ideas, innovations are introduced into business, science and other spheres of life.
Стаття присвячена аналізу системи мотивації персоналу в умовах стратегічного розвитку підприємства. Досліджено процес мотивації персоналу підприємства за допомогою взаємодії сукупності потреб, мотивів і цілей. Згруповано методи мотивації персоналу підприємства в чотири стимулюючих види, такі як: економічні, управління за цілями, збагачення праці, система участі. Визначено, що система мотивації в стратегічному розвитку підприємства являє собою сукупність взаємопов'язаних елементів та складається із зовнішньої і внутрішньої мотивації, які повинні бути збалансованими. Визначено, що система мотивації повинна містити: мотивацію, спрямовану на підвищення інтелектуального потенціалу; мотивацію, спрямовану на ефективну комунікацію; мотивацію, спрямовану на підвищення компетенцій та мотивацію, спрямовану на підвищення результатів праці.