We have measured (n, 2n) and (n, np+n, pn) cross sections for the radioactive nuclides "Y and Zr. The results are, for the (n, 2n) reaction on 'Y at 14. 19+0.04 MeV, 1140+50 mb; and at 14.8+0. 1 MeV, 1180+50 mb. The ' Y isomer ratios (m/total) ar'e 0.70+0.05 and 0.74+0.05, respectively.For "Zr at 14.8+0. 1 MeV, the (n, 2n) cross section is 467+23 mb, and the (n, np+n, pn) cross section is 253+25 mb. The ' Y isomer ratio for the latter reaction is 0.90+0.06.The results are compared to calculations which are based on a combined statistical-preequilibrium model. Half-lives for Zr, Zr, Y, and Y~a re presented. Branching ratios for the decay of Zr to Y ' were determined and the photon intensity of the 484.9-keV gamma ray from the decay of Y was measured.NUCLEAR REACTIONS Y(n, 2n)s7Y '~, E = 14.2, 14.8 MeV; Zr(n, 2n) Zr, E=14.8 MeV; Zr(n, 2n+ n, np) Ym, g E=14.8 MeV; measured g(E). Comparison with combined statistical and preequilibrium model. RADIOACTIVITY Y, Yg, Zr, Zr; measured half-life. Zr, measured branching decay. Yg, measured Iz.