Based on needs analysis, teachers have not fully utilized technology-based media and teaching materials. The teacher also has not fully produced technology-based media and teaching materials. The purpose of this research is to produce practical e-module teaching materials in thematic learning. This research method uses ADDIE research and development model. The results of the study that e-modules were developed through stages of needs analysis, prototype design, prototype development, field testing, and product evaluation. The results showed that practical e-modules were used in learning with a score of 86.5%. Acceptability of the level of independence of e-modules with students achieving eligible criteria is indicated by material support integrated with web-based learning internet links. Based on expert validation, the emodule is suitable to be used as a teaching material for computer-based thematic learning in grade IV elementary school
This study aims to (1) produce a valid e-module guidelines for active student learning in elementary schools that are valid; (2) produce eligibility guidelines for student active learning oriented e-modules in Elementary Schools, and (3) produce practical student learning oriented e-module guidelines. This research uses ADDIE model development research design which consists of 5 levels, namely analysis, design, development, application, and evaluation. The results showed that the results of the validation trial of teaching materials experts and material experts, the average score obtained was 83.95 with valid criteria. The results of user trials (teachers and students) then the average score obtained is 3.5 very well / very practical
Era Globalisasi menuntut guru untuk selalu berinovasi dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran. Inovasi bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai hal salah satunya dengan pengembangan bahan ajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan Digibook (buku digital) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan lapang untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru SD dalam mengelola Pembelajaran Tematik . Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah terdokumentasikannya : inventarisasi, klasifikasi, dan kategori atas persepsi guru di sekolah dasar tentang kemanfaatan digibook dalam mengelola pembelajaran SD yang dianalisis secara multidisiplin untuk ditarik asumsi, pendekatan, paradigma, konsep dan teori. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar dapat dijadikan pijakan dalam pengembangan Digibook. Studi ini dikembangkan melalui penelitian 4D (Four-D) dengan pendekatan kualitatif agar secara tepat mampu menangkap makna dari realitas guru dalam mengajar, Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Data diperoleh melalui hasil observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara, foto lokasi dan perilaku, dan hasil isian angket. Data dianalisis dengan model interaktif Hubberman yang meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, analisis data dan verifikasi data. Selanjutnya dihasilkan penelitian dengan laporan naratif dan produk berupa Digibook. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan digital buku (Digibook) sangat sesuai kebutuhan anak pada tingkat SD dan dalam penggunaannnya sangat efektif dalam membantu siswa memahami materi pembelajaran mereka merasa senang serta dengan dikembangkannya digibook memudahkan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis ICT
Learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era requires practical teaching materials that are easily accessible to students. Digital teaching materials are alternative solutions to accommodate online learning needs. This study aimed to produce digital teaching materials using Microsoft Office 365 Sway in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was development research and the ADDIE model was used, which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The sample consisted of 242 students in Elementary School Teacher Education at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The results of the validation tests for teaching materials experts, material experts, and linguists showed that the average score obtained was 81.8 with valid criteria. The average score obtained by the students with very practical criteria was 3.6. User responses showed that students were interested in, and easily accessed teaching materials via URL, and digital teaching materials were equipped with videos, animations, pictures and graphic information to support lecture materials. Keywords: digital teaching materials, COVID-19, Microsoft sway, online learning
This study aimed to examine the implementation pattern of the constructivist theory in limited face-to-face learning (PTMT). The method used was descriptive qualitative with the subject of teachers in the Malang City area. Data was collected by using a survey distributed online through Google Forms. The results showed that the implementation pattern ofconstructivist theory in limited face-to-face learning (PTMT) was carried out through 5 (five) base of learning implementation, namely the application of problem-based learning, the application of project-based learning, the use of digital-based teaching materials and media, the application of psychosocial learning and contextuallearning. Teachers carried out limited face-to-face learning by applying constructivist theory massively and gradually, starting from planning, the process of learning activities, and learning evaluation. 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