Serratula centauroides L. is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae that grows in Europe, the Caucasus, the Far East, western and eastern Siberia, and Mongolia [1][2][3][4]. The decoction of the plant is used in folk medicine, in particular by Buryatian lamas, as a hemostatic [5]. Preparations of the plant possessed experimental hemostatic and anabolic properties [2,3]. The lipid composition of the plant has not been previously studied.The aerial part of S. centauroides was collected during flowering (July 2014); the subterranean organs, during wilting of the plant (September 2014) growing in Ivolginsky District of the Republic of Buryatia. The contents of neutral lipids in the samples were determined preliminarily by extraction with petroleum ether in a Soxhlet apparatus [6]. The content of the lipid fraction in the aerial part was 1.33 mass% of the air-dried raw material (average of three determinations); in subterranean organs, 1.05 mass%. A modified Bligh-Dyer method was used to identify the constituents of both lipids [7].Fatty-acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were prepared using HCl (2 N) in MeOH for 2 h at 90°C. FAMEs were extracted (3u) with hexane. The extract was evaporated and treated with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide-N,O (BSTFA) to produce volatile derivatives of sterols and OH-acids (45 min at 80°C). The resulting reaction mixture was dissolved in hexane and analyzed by GC-MS on an Agilent Packard HP 6890 GC with an HP MSD 5973N quadrupole mass spectrometric detector. Chromatography of the FAMEs used an HP-5ms column (30 m u 0.25 mm u 0.25 Pm; copolymer of 5% diphenyl and 95% dimethylsiloxane), He carrier gas (constant flow rate of 1.5 mL/min), column temperature 125°C (isothermal for 0.5 min) and 125-320°C (7°C/min, isothermal for 0.5 min), vaporizer temperature 280°C, ion source 230°C, sample volume 1 PL, and flow division 40:1.The percent composition of the mixture was calculated from the GC peak areas without using correction coefficients. Qualitative analysis was based on a comparison of retention times and full mass spectra with those of the corresponding pure compounds using the NIST11.L library and standard mixtures [Bacterial Acid Methyl Esters (CP Mix, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and a mixture of FAMEs (Supelco 37-component FAME Mix, 10 mg/mL in CH 2 Cl 2 ].Greater than 90 compounds, of which 75 were identified, were detected in the studied samples. Table 1 presents the GC-MS analytical results for constituents with contents t0.1%. The qualitative compositions and quantitative contents of lipid constituents in the samples were different. The aerial part contained 42 identified compounds; the subterranean organs, 35. The contents of saturated fatty acids in the aerial part reached 31.62%; in the subterranean organs, 18.18% of the total lipid fraction content. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the aerial part and subterranean organs were 39.80 and 37.05%, respectively; the contents of monoenoic acids (MUFA), 4.00 and 5.56%. The saturated fatty acids in...