Climatic changes represent one of the main preoccupations of our century-a complex domain in which the knowledge must be continuously improved and understood in order to efficiently approach the challenges from this field. Climatic changes determined by a multitude of natural and anthropic causes (for example: atmospheric pollution, soil erosion, afforestation and field degradation) lead to an intensification of negative processes. Amongst these, we mention the intensification of climatic changes, the increase of afforestation surfaces, reducing biodiversity, degrading soils and the apparition of desertification processes, as well as population migration, depletion of resources and the occurrence of social conflicts. On their own end, climatic changes induce an aggravation of abiotic and biotic threats posed on forests such as: fires, droughts, storms, atmospheric pollution, forest fragmentation as consequence of transport and infrastructure constructions etc. During the last couple of years, Romanian forests and fields destined for afforestation were negatively affected by: torrential phenomenon, landslides and river breaches, surface erosions, surface rocks, depth erosion, floods or freezing rain. Climate represents one of the main natural factors both in ensuring viticultural growth and development conditions, as well as in establishing and scaling management works for peaks and irrigations. The main climatic and stress factors that have affected the viticultural ecosystem in the last period of time are: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM "THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE INDUSTRY", SIMI 2018, PROCEEDINGS BOOK Section Pollution Assessment & Management Systems 233 temperature, precipitations, atmospheric humidity, average global, active and useful temperatures, night humidity index and the Huglin index.