The Scavenger profession, synonymous with garbage that is far from a healthy and clean impression. Therefore, scavengers face problems that are complex; however, as an individual, scavengers still trying to get healthy. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the health-seeking behavior by scavengers. The method used is descriptive with data collection through questionnaires, interviews, and observation. As for the results include the behavior of health care, including eating nutritious food, drink plenty of water, enough rest, drinking supplements, hygiene, by sport, and sunbathing. While efforts are being made by a scavenger in the form of behavioral prevention of disease, namely: eating vegetables and fruit, lots of drinking, personal hygiene, reduce smoking, getting enough rest, keeping the environment clean, maintain the distance to the source of the disease, and drinking vitamin. As for the health seeking behavior is a mix of traditional medicine themselves, herbal medicine, go to the place of alternative medicine, buy drugs are sold freely in shops, ask and buy medicines in pharmacies, and go to the public health clinic (Puskesmas). Next, behavioral health recovery undertaken include: rest, away from the landfill, taking herbal medicine, taking medication, see your doctor and increase the consumption of foods and beverages that are nutritious