The aim of this research was to know the effectiveness of guava filtrate supplementation in coconut water- egg yolk dilution on quality of liquid semen stored at 5oC of Bali cattle. Semen collected from a five year old Bali cattle using artificial vagina. Semen of good quality were kept in six tubes based on treatment then stored at 5oC. Treatments of the research were P0 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% without guava filtrate; P1 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% + 0.8% guava filtrate; P2 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% + 0.9% guava filtrate; P3 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% + 1.0 % guava filtrate; P4 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% + 1.1 % guava filtrate and P5 : coconut water 80% + egg yolk 20% + 1.2 % guava filtrate. Each treatment was replicated 8 times making 48 experimental units. Results of the study showed that percentage mean of motility, viability, MPU, and TAU of spermatozoa after three days storage for P0 were : 42.20%, 41.85%, 39.08% and 40.90%; P1 : 50.40%, 53.89%, 52.99% and 54.67%; P2 : 54.67%, 56.97%, 54.51% and 54.36%; P3 : 17.00%, 29.96%, 29.64% and 29.64%; P4 : 23.38%, 24.64%, 21.06% and 24.45%Jurnal Veteriner Maret 2019 Vol. 20 No. 1 : 20 -29 pISSN: 1411-8327; eISSN: 2477-5665 DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2019.20.1.20 Terakreditasi Nasional, Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, online pada Kemenristek Dikti RI S.K. No. 36a/E/KPT/201621PENDAHULUAN Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan program Inseminasi buatan (IB) secara cepat dan mudah pada sapi bali adalah penggunaan semen cair. Penggunaan semen cair dapat meningkatkan kinerja IB pada sapi bali di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Keunggulan lain semen cair dapat diproduksi menggunakan bahan pengencer herbal berbasis bahan lokal dan peralatan yang sederhana serta mudah diperoleh dan tidak tergantung dengan persediaan nitrogen cair. Hasil akhir dari metabolisme spermatozoa adalah terbentuknya radikal bebas berupa derivat oksigen di antaranya adalah single1 oksigen (1O2), tripel1 oksigen (3O2), superokside anion (O2-), hidroksil radikal (OH) dan nitrit oxide (NO-) yang semuanya disebut radical oksigen species (ROS). Single1 oksigen dapat merusak ikatan rangkap pada asam lemak sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerusakan Deoxyribo Nuclead Acid (DNA) dan protein. Single1 oksigen bila bereaksi dengan asam amino histidin akan membentuk enzim yang dapat menyebabkan denaturasi protein. Kerusakan spermatozoa pada penyimpanan suhu 5%C akibat radikal bebas dan cold shock inilah merupakan penyebab utama disfungsi semen (Sharma et al., 2000). Oksidasi fosforilasi yang terganggu menyebabkan peningkatan radikal bebas dalam semen. Kadar radikal bebas yang terganggu menyebabkan peningkatan radikal bebas dalam semen. Kadar radikal bebas yang tinggi dalam sel dapat mengoksidasi lipid, protein dan DNA. Lipid membran plasma semen memiliki fosfolipid dengan kadar yang tinggi menyebabkan semen rentan terhadap radikal bebas (Sanoeka dan Kurpisz, 2004). Antioksidan bertindak mengikat asam lemak tak jenuh dan mencegah terjadinyareaksi berantai. Pada proses penyimpanan semen akan terjadi kerusakan membran plasma spermatozoa akibat terbentuknya perioksidasi lipid. Antioksidan-pemutus rantai seperti yang terkandung dalam jambu biji dapat menghambat perioksidasi lipid dalam membran melalui radical peroxyl (RO) dan alkoxyl (ROO) pengurai. Pengunaan jambu biji yang difilter dalam pengencer air kelapa kuning telur dapat menjaga kualitas spermatozoa (motilitas, keutuhan akrosom, viabilitas dan morfologi spermatozoa) semen cair sapi bali selama penyimpanan pada suhu 5%C. Dosis jambu biji yang difilter yang terbaik dalam pengencer air kelapa kuning telur, akan terbaik pula dalam mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa sampai tujuan IB. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji berbagai level pemberian filtrat jambu biji (FJB) dalam pengencer air kelapa kuning telur terhadap motilitas, viabilitas, membran plasma utuh (MPU) dan tudung akrosom utuh (TAU) spermatozoa sapi bali yang disimpan pada suhu 5%C.METODE PENELITIAN Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Reproduksi milik Yayasan Wiliams dan Laura yang berlokasi di Tilong, Desa Oelnasi, Kec. Kupang Tengah, Kab. Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan berlangsung selama delapan bulan. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semen sapi bali yang ditampung dari satu ekor sapi bali jantan berumur lima tahun milik Yayasan Williams dan Laura yang telah dilatih, memiliki performans yang baik, dan organ reproduksi normal. Pakan yang diberikan adalah hijauan berupa rumput dan legum dan pemberian konsentrat secukupnya (dedak padi dan jagung giling).and P5 : 9%, 21.25%, 17.56% and 19.30%. Result of statistical analysis showed that there were a significant effect (P<0.05) between treatment on motility, viability, MPU and TAU of spermatozoa of Bali cattle till the third day of storage. It can be concluded that the supplementation of guava filtrate 0.9% in dilution of coconut water 80% - egg yolk 20% had been able to maintain motility, viability, MPU and TAU of spermatozoa of Bali cattle till the third day of storage at 5oC.
The present study used the ratio of 80% coconut water and 11 - 20% egg yolk substitution with extract guava ranged from 4 to 9% in order to determine the quality and fertility of Bali cattle storaged at 50C. This study used a complete factorial design with two factors and six treatments. The first factor was coconut water and egg yolk substituted with extract guava extender at different ratio consisted of 6 treatments. They were: (1) T0 (control) = 80% coconut water + 20% egg yolk without extract guava; (2) T1 = 80% coconut water + 16% egg yolk + 4% extract guava; (3) T1 = 80% coconut water + 15% egg yolk + 5% extract guava; (4) T2 = 80% coconut water + 14% egg yolk + 6% extract guava; (5) T3 = 80% coconut water + 13% egg yolk + 7%; and (5) T4 = 80% coconut water + 12% egg yolk + 8% extract guava; and (6) T5 = 80% coconut water + 11% egg yolk + 9% extract guava. The second factor was the length of storage at low temperature which consisted of 3 treatments, including 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days and 7 days. The semen used in this study had motility ranged from 50 to 55%. The variables measured in this study were intact plasma membrane (IPM) and intact acrosome hood (ICH). The results showed that the percentage of spermatozoa motility for T1 until the sixth day of storage was 55.51%, T2 until the seventh day of storage was 40.14%, T0 to the fifth day was 41.73%, T3 and T4 until the fourth day was 43.85% and 41.11%, respectively, whereas for T5 only until the third day were 51.00% and T6 until the second day amounted to 48.83%. Viability of Bali cattle spermatozoa in the six treatment groups where egg yolk substituted with extract guava was higher (T1, T2 and T6) compared to T0 from the first day until the fifth day of storage. It can be concluded that substitution of 15% egg yolk with 5% extract guava in 80% coconut water diluents can maintain IPM and ICH spermatozoa of Bali cattle until the sixth day of storaged at 5°C.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja produksi sapi bali pengemukan yang diberi pakan komplit berbasis silase batang pisang dengan level berbeda. Ternak yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 12 ekor sapi bali jantan penggemukan dengan kisaran berat badan 80,5-97 kg dengan rataan 89,4 kg KV = 10,07 %. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuannya di dalam penelitian ini yaitu R0: silase batang pisang 80% + konsentrat 20%, R1: silase batang pisang 70% + konsentrat 30%, R2: silase batang pisang 60% + konsentrat 40% dan R3: silase batang pisang 50% + konsentrat 50%. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap pertambahan berat badan harian sapi bali penggemukan dan berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap nilai konversi ransum dan efisiensi ransum. Kesimpuan pemberian pakan komplit berbasis silase batang pisang 50% dan konsentrat 50% menghasilkan pertambahan bobot badan harian sebesar 0,47 kg/e/h. Kata kunci: kinerja produksi, pakan komplit, silase batang pisang, sapi Bali This study aims to determine the production performance of fattening bali cattle fed complete feed based on banana stem silage with different levels. The livestock used in this study were 12 fattening male bali cattle with a body weight range of 80.5-97 kg with an average of 89.4 kg KV = 10.07%. The research method used is an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments in this study were R0: banana stem silage 80% + concentrate 20%, R1: banana stem silage 70% + concentrate 30%, R2: banana stem silage 60% + concentrate 40% and R3: banana stem silage 50% + 50% concentrate. The results of statistical analysis showed that the treatment had a significant (P<0.05) effect on daily weight gain of fattening bali cattle and an insignificant (P>0.05) effect on the ration conversion value and ration efficiency. The conclusion of giving complete feed based on 50% banana stem silage and 50% concentrate resulted in daily body weight gain of 0.47 kg/e/h.
Penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh dari pemberian pakan komplit (kombinasi silase jerami jagung dan konsentrat) dengan level berbeda terhadap ukuran linear tubuh Sapi Bali penggemukan. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap Sapi Bali berumur 1-1,5 tahun sebanyak 12 ekor, bobot badan 66-93 kg dan rataan 82 kg, serta koefisien variasi (KV) 10,28%. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap, terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan. Rancangan perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah P0 = 80% silase jerami jagung + 20% konsentrat, P1 = 60% silase jerami jagung + 40% konsentrat, P2 = 40% silase jerami jagung + 60% konsentrat dan P3 =20% silase jerami jagung + 80% konsentrat. Pengukuran ukuran linear tubuh dilakukan dengan bantuan alat meter ukur merek Animeter dan tongkat ukur dengan satuan terkecil 1 mm. Pengukuran ukuran linier tubuh menggunakan meter ukur merek Animeter dan tongkat ukur dengan satuan terkecil 1mm. Rataan hasil penelitian menunjukan pertambahan panjang badan (cm) (cm) P00=0,09, P1=0,11, P2=0,10, P3=0,12, pertambahan lingkar dada (cm) (cm) P00=0.15, P1=0,16, P2=0,18, P3=0,15, pertambaan tinggi pundak (cm) (cm) P00=0,9, P1=0,11, P2=0,10, P3=0,11. Analisis statistik statistic menunjukkan perlakuan berpengaruh berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pertambahan ukuran linear tubuh Sapi Bali penggemukan. Dapat Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi silase jerami jagung dan konsentrat dengan level pemberian berbeda terhadap pertambahan ukuran linear tubuh Sapi Bali penggemukan memberikan kecendrungan yang relatif sama. The aim of this research was to measure The aim of this research was to measure the effect of providing complete feed (a corn straw silage and concentrate) with different levels on body linear size in fattening Bali cattle. The test was carried out on 12 Bali cattle aged 1-1.5 years with a body weight 66-93 kg and an average of 82 kg, and the coefficient of variation (KV) was 10.28%. The research method used a completely randomized design consisting of 4 treatments, 3 repititions. The treatments in this study were P0 = 80% corn straw silage + 20% concentrate, P1 = 60% corn straw silage + 40% concentrate, P2 = 40% corn straw silage + 60% concentrate and P3 = 20% corn straw silage + 80 % concentrate. Linear measurement of body size using a measuring tape from Animeter and measuring stick with the smallest unit 1 mm. The average of the results showed an increase in body length (cm) P0 = 0.09, P1 = 0.11, P2 = 0.10, P3 = 0.12, an increase in chest circumference (cm) P0 = 0.15, P1 = 0.16, P2 = 0.18, P3=0,15, increase in shoulder height (cm) P0=0,9, P1=0,11, P2=0,10, P3=0,11. The statistic analysis showed that the treatments had no significant effect (P>0,05 ) to increase in body linear size of fattening Bali cattle. Can be concluded that the combination of corn straw silage and concentrate treatment with different levels of giving to the increase in body linear size of fattening Bali cattle gives a relatively similar tendency.
The aim of the study was to determine the effects of immobilization on the gross morphology of rats’ intervertebral disc (IVD) and observe the ameliorating effects of Omega 3 fatty acids and Co-enzyme Q 10 (CoQ10). Forty Sprague Dawley rats weighing 250-300 g were procured from NIH Islamabad. The animals were randomly selected and were divided into four groups of 10 animals in each. Group-A rats served as control group. Each rat of Group B was disc immobilized by using an Illizarov-type apparatus, which was applied for 60 days. Group-C and -D rats after disc immobilization were administrated with Omega 3 fatty acids (260 mg/kg/day) and CoQ10 (150mg/kg/day) through oral gavage respectively. Gross examination of IVD was done using the Thompson grading scale and the disc alterations were scored from grade 1 to 5 in increasing order of IVD alterations. Gross examination of the sections of IVD’s of the control group showed normal healthy morphology, falling in Thompson grade I degeneration. The frequency of disc alteration was statistically significant in disc-immobilized group B when compared to control group A (p-value=0.000), group C (p-value=0.000) and group D (p value=0.002). Group C in which n-3 fatty acid was given along with disc immobilization, showed significant improvement in disc degenerative changes. On comparison with group B, p-value<0.001 was statistically significant. In experimental Group D, where CoQ10 was given along with disc immobilization, the degenerative changes were significantly reduced as compared to Group B (p = 0.002). In this study, gross morphological changes were induced by immobilization in IVDs of the experimental rats and its reversal by omega 3 and CoQ10 was proven. Co-administration of Omega 3 and CoQ10 significantly minimized degenerative changes in IVDs induced by immobilization.
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