The néré fruit is known in the north of Côte d’Ivoire for its seeds, which are used to prepare soumbara, and for its pulp, which is also consumed. Unfortunately, the nutritional value of the pulp is not known by the population and it is not processed by local industries. This study contributes to the valorization of néré fruits. After hulling, the pulp is dried in the sun, crushed, and sieved to produce three types of flour, depending on its origin. The flours from Niofoin, Waragniéré, and Kanoroba have been coded FN, FW, and FK respectively. The study of the physicochemical properties of the flours showed, depending on their origin, a moisture content of 5.4 to 7.6%, the average fibre content of 15.27%, high total carbohydrate content (81.05 to 84%), high energy value (360.4 to 369.13 Kcal/100g). The study showed the presence of antioxidants such as polyphenols (319.15 to 400.09mg/100g). Anti-nutrients like oxalates (7.42 to 10.81mg/100g) were found in low amounts. The study of functional properties showed a water absorption capacity of 199.54 to 207.55%, and an oil absorption capacity of 105.46 to 109.35%. The mineral study showed the presence of magnesium (0.05 to 0.076ppm), potassium (0.01 to 0.054ppm), calcium (0, 094 to 0.131ppm), iron (0.025ppm), copper (0.02 to 0.129ppm). The granulometric studies showed that the vast majority of the particles of the flours FN, FW, and FK, are smaller than 250 µm. The flours FN, FW, and FK contain macronutrients, high energy value, fibre, interesting functional properties, antioxidants, and minerals that are beneficial for the local populations and can be used by the food industries.