The object of research is the process of chemical transesterification of palm olein with increased oxidation indicators in the presence of potassium glyceroxide catalyst. Transesterification is an important method of fat modification. The use of fats with increased oxidation indicators leads to the deactivation of common catalysts and a decrease in the efficiency of the process. There is a need to increase the dosage of catalysts, increase the process temperature, which negatively affects the product quality. An alternative transesterification catalyst (potassium glyceroxide) was used for the transesterification of palm olein with increased oxidation indicators. Palm olein (CAS Number 93334-39-5) with standard indicators was used: melting point 22.4 °C, peroxide value 0.8 ½ O mmol/kg, anisidine value 0.3 c. u. Olein was subjected to heating at a temperature of 90 °C in order to increase oxidation indicators, after which it underwent transesterification. The difference in melting points of the initial and transesterified palm olein was used as a parameter of process efficiency. The maximum limit values of the oxidation indicators at which the process is effective are: peroxide value 12.7 ½ O mmol/kg, anisidine value 10.4 c. u. The difference in melting points is 12.1 °C, which indicates the efficiency of the process. The qualitative indicators of the obtained transesterified fat indicate compliance with DSTU 4336 (CAS Number 97593-46-9): melting point 34.5 °C, peroxide value 1.2 ½ O mmol/kg, anisidine value 1.0 c. u. The results of the research make it possible to use fat with increased oxidation indicators without pretreatment and predict the efficiency of transesterification depending on the fat indicators. This will increase profitability and reduce production waste.
Sunflower is the most common crop in Ukraine. In terms of sunflower seed growing, our country is among the top three world leaders. The aim of the article is to study the possibility of increasing the productivity and improving the seed characteristics of sunflower seeds, the influence of growth regulators on the morphological characteristics of the studied lines, experimental hybrids, varieties and the possibility of improving traditional cultivation technologies. In the process of performing scientific work, introductory, special and general scientific research methods were used. The scientific novelty of the research is aimed at improving and enhancing the productive characteristics and economically useful traits of sunflower lines and hybrids, as well as assessing the feasibility of using growth regulators Fulvital Plus, Ecostim and Quadrostim on these genotypes and their individual reactions. Weather conditions in the period 2018-2020 were unstable and depended on the year. There was a significant impact of PGR on the formation of productivity (increase in the range of 0.7-38.1 % compared to control). The greatest positive impact was achieved on lines Skh808A and Skh1002A. These lines are characterized by high drought resistance and adaptability to adverse conditions in general and major diseases. High rates of PGR impact on experimental hybrids can be justified by the presence of heterosis, which in turn increases the number of dominant alleles in the plant, which help plants better adapt to environmental conditions. PGR had almost no effect on the studied sunflower cultivars, except for the Lakomka cultivar (productivity varied in the range of 82.4-50.9 g, compared to the control of 75.9 g). The slight effect of PGR on sunflower varieties may explain their inconsistency in the onset of developed phases, the period of onset of a certain phase in the population can vary from a few days to a week. The use of PGR Quadrostim was effective on experimental hybrids, except for the linear-varietal hybrid Skh808A×Shchelkunchyk, the oil content varied within the control over the years of research 50.8 % (control 20.7 %). The influence of the studied PGRs on the oil content in the seeds of self-pollinating sunflower lines was specific and varied depending on the genotype of the line and PGR. The practical value of the work is determined by the importance of its end results, both for seed production, breeding practice and for production. The influence of the studied PGRs had an individual nature of influence and varied depending on the genotype of the line, growth regulator and weather conditions surrounding the plants at the time of treatment and subsequent vegetation.
Fatty acids are an important component in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical industries. The production of various types of products requires a certain purity and quality of fatty acids. To obtain these compounds, it is promising to use soapstocks, which are waste products of alkaline refining of oils. The peculiarity of the work lies in determining the effect of the process parameters of soapstock decomposition with sulfuric acid on the saponification number, which is an important production characteristic of fatty acids. The study used sunflower soapstock according to DSTU 5033 (CAS 68952-95-4) with a mass fraction of total fat of 69.5 %, fatty acids – 64.5 %. The soapstock was treated with a sulfuric acid solution at a temperature of 90 °C, the process duration was 40 min. Rational parameters of soapstock treatment were determined: concentration of sulfuric acid in the reaction mass is 80 %, concentration of an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid – 50 %. In the experiment interval, the settling duration of the reaction mass does not affect the saponification number of fatty acids. The settling time of 1 hour is effective for the isolation of fatty acids. Under these conditions, the saponification number of fatty acids was 186.4 mg KOH/g. The acids correspond to fatty acids of the first grade according to DSTU 4860 (CAS 61788-66-7): mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances – 1.2 %, mass fraction of total fat – 97.5 %, cleavage depth – 95.0 % oleic acid. The obtained data allow rational and most efficient use of the reagent – sulfuric acid. The results of the work make it possible to reduce the duration of fatty acids obtaining from soapstocks, since the efficiency of the process with the minimum duration of mass settling has been confirmed. The improved technology of soapstock decomposition makes it possible to obtain a valuable product – high-quality fatty acids under rational conditions