In this study we established the usefulness of DNA fingerprinting for the epidemiology of tuberculosis on the basis of the DNA polymorphism generated by the insertion sequence (IS) IS986. Although clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis displayed a remarkably high degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism, we showed that transposition of this IS element is an extremely rare event in M. tuberculosis complex strains grown either in vitro or in vivo for long periods of time. The M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum strains tested in this study contained 6 to 17 IS copies. In the Mycobacterium bovis strains, the copy numbers ranged between 1 and 5, and all 27 M. bovis BCG strains investigated invariably contained a single IS copy. This copy was located at a unique chromosomal position, reinforcing the idea that the frequency of IS transposition is very low in M. tuberculosis complex strains. Various microepidemics are described in which each microepidemic corresponds to a particular fingerprint type. The extent of similarity between Dutch and African strains was quantitatively assessed by computer-assisted analysis of DNA fingerprints. The results indicate that M. tuberculosis strains from regions in central Africa, where tuberculosis is highly prevalent, are generally more related to each other than isolates from the Netherlands, where the transmission rate is low and where the majority of the tuberculosis cases are presumed to be the result of reactivation of previously contracted M. tuberculosis infections. MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacterial strains and plasmids. In this study, 222 M. tuberculosis strains, 5 Mycobacterium africanum strains, 24 M. bovis strains, and 27 M. bovis BCG strains were inves-2578 on September 28, 2020 by guest Downloaded from USE OF IS ELEMENTS IN TUBERCULOSIS EPIDEMIOLOGY 2579 TABLE 1. Bacterial strains used in this study Bacterial strain no. Species Origin Source or reference 5, 14, 15, 97, 164, 265, 266, 319-323 M. tuberculosis The Netherlands This laboratory 272-285 M. tuberculosis Czechoslovakia J. Ivanyib 34, 165, 302-316 M. tuberculosis The Netherlands P. G. H. Peerboomsc 324-333 M. tuberculosis Ruwanda F. Portaelsd 334-335 M. tuberculosis Central African Republic F. Portaelsd 336-343 M. tuberculosis Burundi F. Portaelsd 317-318 M. tuberculosis Belgium F. Portaelsd 116-126, 286-292 M. tuberculosis The Netherlands P. L. van Puttene 267-271, 108, 109, 111, 114 M. tuberculosis The Netherlands J. Steensmaf 295-301, 168-171 M. bovis The Netherlands This laboratory 149-152, 293, 294, 45, 106 M. bovis BCG5 The Netherlands This laboratory 44, 104 M. bovis BCG5 The Netherlands This laboratory 102 M. bovis BCG9 Organon Teknikah 103 M. bovis BCG5 Armand Frappier' a Strains used only for standard RFLP typing are not mentioned in this table.