Bayah is located in Lebak Regency, Banten Province. This location is chosen due to its abundant mollusk fossils which exposed along the outcrops. The aim of this research is to determine depositional environmental changes using mollusk fossil assemblages. Data obtained from a measured stratigraphic section of Cimanceuri Formation. It is dominated by very fine-fine sandstones with claystone intercalation. A total thickness of measured stratigraphic section is 4.2 meters. There are at least seventeen mollusk associations (bottom-top) consisting of 1) Ringicula arctatoides - Olivella tomlini were obtained. 2) Ringicula arctatoides - Marginella (Cryptospira) ventricosa sangiranensis. 3) Olivella tomlini, 4) Ringicula arctatoides - Olivella tomlini, 5) Ringicula arctatoides, 6) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis - Scapharca (Scapharca) gedinganensis, 7) Polinices aurantius - Marginella (Cryptospira) ventricosa sangiranensis, 8) Scapharca (Scapharca) gedinganensis, 9) Scapharca (Scapharca) multiformis - Timoclea bataviana, 10) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis - Ringicula arctatoides, 11) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis - Ringicula arctatoides, 12) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis - Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis, 13) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis - Ringicula arctatoides, 14) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis - Architectonica sp., 15) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis, 16) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis – Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis, and 17) Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis. The condition with the most stable ecosystem is the association of Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis tjicumpaiensis - Turritella (Turritella) bantamensis (Association 12). At least there are seven depositional environmental changes that occur in this research area with two shallowing – deepening cycles : 1) open shallow marine, 2) subtidal – open shallow marine, 3) open shallow marine, 4) open shallow marine – subtidal, 5) subtidal, 6) subtidal – open shallow marine, and 7) open shallow marine.
In October 2021, the depreciation of the water level of dam Saguling revealed the surficial sediment where was dam up Citarum river. Sirtwo island and surroundings are part of the body sediment were arisen which is part of the sedimentary facies in the western of Bandung Lake ancient. Several vertebrate fossils were found on Sirtwo island and Pasir Benteng island. The investigation of vertebrate fossils was carried out to understand where are deposited in Bandung lake. The geological survey lead to the recognition of types of lake deposits and was divided into 5 block observations i.e., Block A, Block B, Block C, Block D, and Block E. Geographic information system was used to determine the location points where the fossil was found and is correlated with other location. The fossils fragment is identified as vertebrate fossils i.e., Bovid sp., Rusa sp., and Elephas maximus. The detail of vertebrate fossils type and sediment petrology is under further analysis. The sedimentary facies are lake deposit and is distinguished into 3 sub-facies: 1) volcanic deposit with vertebrate fossil 2) sandstone tuff without vertebrate fossil and 3) sandstone tuff with vertebrate fossil. The age of lithology is estimated between 10.000 till >135.000 Years ago and the depositional environment is interpreted into fan lake, channel, and lake bottom. This study clearly determines lithofacies in the research area which contain vertebrate fossils.
Bumiayu merupakan daerah yang menarik untuk dikaji dari sisi paleontologi, salah satunya keberadaan Fauna Satir yang merupakan fauna vertebrata tertua di Pulau Jawa. Ada beberapa titik lokasi penemuan yang tersebar di tiga kecamatan, yaitu Desa Bumiayu, Kecamatan Bumiayu; Desa Kutamendala, Kecamatan Tonjong; dan Desa Pengarasan, Kecamatan Bantarkawung. Situs Paleontologi Bumiayu dikenal dengan nama lain Situs Buton (Bumiayu-Tonjong). Metode yang digunakan berupa identifikasi keragaman geologi dan analisis data kualitatif berdasarkan PP No. 26 Tahun 2008. Lokasi yang perlu dikonservasi adalah Sungai Kaliglagah, Sungai Cisaat, Sungai Kalibiuk, Sungai Pelem, Sungai Slatri, Sungai Santanaya, Sungai Cipanglosoran, Sungai Jawan, dan Sungai Bodas karena menceritakan secara runtut pengangkatan Pulau Jawa menjadi daratan selama Plio-Plistosen. Geosite tersebut memiliki keunikan batuan dan fosil yang berfungsi sebagai laboratorium alam, sehingga direkomendasikan untuk dikonservasi sebagai Kawasan Cagar Alam Geologi (KCAG) terutama untuk melindungi dari kerusakan.
Bandung Geological Museum as the thematic earth museum in Indonesia has been established on 16 May 1929. This museum has 417,882 collections, there are mineral and rock collections, vertebrate, invertebrate, paleobotanical fossils, and artifacts. As a government museum, the Geological Museum has a duty to disseminating geological information. This article aims to identify the Geological Museum’s activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. After the temporary closure in March 2020, the museum activities were carried out virtually, including Collection Talk, Day and Night at the Museum, virtual tours, Bincang Museum, virtual geoscience socialization, and introduce the collections by social media. Museum Geologi Bandung sebagai museum kebumian di Indonesia telah berdiri sejak 16 Mei 1929. Museum ini memiliki 417.882 koleksi, berupa koleksi mineral dan batuan, fosil vertebrata, fosil invertebrata, fosil paleobotani dan artefak. Sebagai instansi yang bertugas menyebarluaskan informasi kegelogian, dimasa pandemi Covid-19, Museum Geologi berinovasi melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan edukasi dalam bentuk virtual. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah melakukan identifikasi kegiatan dilakukan Museum Geologi selama pandemi Covid-19. Pasca penutupan sementara Museum Geologi pada bulan Maret 2020, kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa kegiatan virtual diantaranya: Collection Talk, Day and Night at the Museum, virtual tour, Bincang Museum, sosialisasi kebumian secara virtual, dan pengenalan koleksi melalui sosial media.
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