We consider the stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations (SNLS) posed on d-dimensional tori with either additive or multiplicative stochastic forcing. In particular, for the one-dimensional cubic SNLS, we prove global well-posedness in L 2 (T). As for other power-type nonlinearities, namely (i) (super)quintic when d = 1 and (ii) (super)cubic when d ≥ 2, we prove local well-posedness in all scaling-subcritical Sobolev spaces and global well-posedness in the energy space for the defocusing, energy-subcritical problems.Date: March 8, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60H15. Key words and phrases. stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations; well-posedness. 1. The multiplicative noise given by the Stratonovich product u • φξ with real-valued ξ is relevant in physical applications, as it conserves the mass of u (i.e. t → u(t) 2 L 2x (T d ) is constant) almost surely. Our analysis can handle either the Itô or the Stratonovich product, and we choose to work with the former for the sake of simpler exposition.Here, P ≤N is the Littlewood-Paley projection onto frequencies {n ∈ Z d : |n| ≤ N }, p ≥ 2(d+2) d , and ε > 0 is an arbitrarily small quantity 3 . However, such Strichartz estimates are not strong enough for a fixed point argument in mixed Lebesgue spaces for the deterministic NLS on T d . To overcome this problem, we shall employ the Fourier restriction norm method by means of X s,b -spaces defined via the norms(1.7)The indices s, b ∈ R measure the spatial and temporal regularities of functions u ∈ X s,b , and F t,x denotes Fourier transform of functions defined on R × T d . This harmonic analytic 2. Here, W s,r (T d ) denotes the L r -based Sobolev space defined by the Bessel potential norm:, where n := 1 + |n| 2 . When r = 2, we have H s (T d ) = W s,2 (T d ).3. More recently, Killip and Vişan [25] removed the arbitrarily small loss of ε derivatives in (1.6) when p > 2(d+2) d . However, we do not need this scale-invariant improvement in our results.