Karyotypic analyses sf Curdinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus) (Passerifomes: FringilIidae) reveal a diploid number of approximately 84. Three different karystypes were observed resulting from polymorphism of one macrochromosome pair. It is suggested that the observed polymorphism resulted from a single pericentric inversion. Similarities between karyotypes of this species and those of Zonotrichia ulbicollis and Junco ltyemalis are discussed.
Les analyses caryotypiques deCardinalis cardinulis (Linnaeus) (Passeriformes; Fringillidae) demontrent approximativement un nombre de 84 chromosomes chez les diploides. Trois differents caryotypes furent observks provenant du polymorphisrne d'une paire de macrochromosome. On suggbre que le polymorphisme observC rksulte d9une inversion pericentrique simple. On discute des caractkristiques semblables entre les caryotypes de ces espbces et ceux de Zonotrichin ulbicollis et Junco hj~emalis. [Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionThe karyotypes of less than 50 avian species in the order Passeriformes are known (van Brink, 1959;Ohno et al., 1964; Thorneycroft, 1966; Hammar, 1966;Bloom, 1969;Ray-Chaudhuri et al., 1969;Shields, 1973; Hammar and Herlin, 1975). Although the karyotypes of most species of birds remain undescribed, preliminary information indicates that fringillid species may provide excellent systems for studies on the evolutionary significance of chromosomal polymorphism. Of approximately 700 species of fringillids, eight have been studied karyotypically (Thorneycroft, 1966(Thorneycroft, , 1975Ohno et al., 1964;Shields, 1973; Hammar and Herlin, 1975) and five of these display chromosomal polym~rphis~m. Thorneycroft (1966Thorneycroft ( , 1975 described autosomal polymorphism in the White-throated Sparrow, Zonstrichia alhicollis. He (1968) also described similar polymorphisms in the Bark-eyed Junco, Junco hyernalis, and in the Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilln cedrorurn. Shields (1973) described autosomal polymorphism in five taxa of Junco: J. hyemalis, J. oregunus, J . aikeni (all = J. btyemalis), J. caniceps and J . phaenotus (A.O.U., 1973). Hammar and Werlin (1975) reported autosomal polymorphism in Chloris chlsris. The present study of the Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, documents the fifth fringillid species with chromosomal polymorphism.
Materials and MethodsNineteen specimens of Cardinalis curdinizlis were collected from several localities in Louisiana (see specimens examined), and are deposited in the Museum of Life Sciences, Louisiana State University in Shreveport.Bone marrow cells at mitotic metaphase were prepared from 7 males and 12 females by Patton's (1967) hypotonic-citrate technique with the following modifications: Birds were stressed with 8.01 ml/g body weight of yeast suspension injected intraperitoneally 24 h prior to sacrifice (Cole and Leavens, 1973). Velban (8.8025 mg/g body weight) was injected intraperitoneally 1.5 h prior to sacrifice. The femur was removed, minced, and the resulting bone and bone marrow suspension was occasional8y aspirated for 40 min...