Climate disasters pose a risk to residents’ well-being globally. However, information about the impact of climate disasters among urban and rural residents remains lacking, especially in Indonesia. This study aims to fill the gap by investigating the impact of climate disaster on subjective well-being based on urban and rural typology model. The data were cross-sectional, involving 7110 Indonesian residents who had experienced climate disasters, 3813 from urban areas and 3297 from rural areas. An ordered probit model was employed to estimate the impact of climate disasters on subjective well-being (i.e., happiness and life satisfaction). In general, the empirical results show that climate disasters do not significantly affect the happiness of Indonesian residents, but they significantly and negatively impact their life satisfaction. Further analysis reveals that climate disasters impact urban and rural residents differently. The subjective well-being of rural residents is more severely affected than those living in urban areas. Further estimation also indicated that climate disaster significantly reduces residents’ subjective well-being at the lowest income level for both rural and urban residents. Our finding confirms that rural residents remain the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the important pest insects that attack rice plants, which indirectly becomes a vector for the spread of grassy dwarf and empty dwarf diseases caused by viruses, and can consume a lot of food in a short time so that it can cause damage explosions and great losses. The aim of this study was to compare the eating response of brown planthopper to resistant and vulnerable rice varieties through the measurement of secreted honeydews. The study was conducted at the Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. Rice seedlings for honeydew testing were 30 days after sowing. Testing was done by infesting 3 female BPH into a plastic cage with filter paper (Whatman No.40 9 cm in diameter) placed on the bottom, which had been sprayed with a solution of Ninhydrin 0.01 mg/ml in acetone. The treatment consisted of 3 rice varieties (Ciherang, IR-64 dan Pelita) on each ovened and non-ovened filter paper, with three replicates so that a total of 18 treatments were used by infesting each with the 3 female BPH nymphs. Whereas, 3 treatments with non-ovened papers, with 3 replicates, were infested with 3 female BPH imago each. So that the treatments involved a total of 27 feeding tubes. Honeydews released by BPH that ate on the test varieties for 24 hours were collected on filter papers and formed blue/purple spots. The extent of the honeydew spots formed was measured and analyzed. The results showed that the average value of phloem consumption in Ciherang, IR-64, and Pelita rice varieties showed that these three varieties were very susceptible to BPH sucking pests. The more food nutrients sucked by BPH pests from rice plants, the greater the number of honeydew spots and the wider the honeydew spots that were produced. The areas of honeydew spots of Pelita variety was 33.78 m2, IR-64 28.26 mm2, and Ciherang 22.44 mm2, respectively. Pelita rice varieties had a high susceptibility to BPH pests when compared to Ciherang and IR-64 because Pelita does not have resistance genes to BPH pests. Keywords: Ciherang, IR-64, Pelita, planthopper, rice, honeydew ABSTRAK Wereng batang coklat (WBC) merupakan salah satu serangga hama penting yang menyerang tanaman padi, yang secara tidak langsung menjadi vektor bagi penyebaran penyakit kerdil rumput dan kerdil hampa oleh virus, serta dapat mengkonsumsi makanan yang banyak dalam waktu singkat sehingga dapat menimbulkan ledakan kerusakan dan kerugian yang besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan respon makan WBC pada varietas padi tahan dan rentan melalui pengukuran embun madu yang disekresikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Toksikologi, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bibit padi untuk pengujian embun madu digunakan saat berumur 30 hari setelah semai. Pengujian dengan menginfestasikan WBC betina ke dalam kurungan plastik yang di bagian bawahnya diletakkan kertas saring (Whatman No. 40 berdiameter 9 cm) yang telah disemprot dengan larutan Ninhidrin 0,01 mg/mL aseton. Perlakuan yang terdiri dari 3 varietas padi (Ciherang, IR-64 dan Pelita) pada masing-masing kertas saring oven dan tidak oven dan dengan tiga ulangan sehingga total terdapat 18 perlakuan dengan menginfestasikan masing-masing 3 ekor nimfa betina WBC. Sedangkan pada 3 perlakuan kertas saring tanpa oven, dengan tiga ulangan, yang diinfestasikan masing-masing berupa 3 ekor imago betina WBC. Sehingga total perlakuan seluruhnya meliputi sebanyak 27 tabung makan. Embun madu yang dikeluarkan oleh WBC yang makan pada varietas uji selama 24 jam tertampung pada kertas saring dan membentuk bercak berwarna biru/ungu. Luas bercak embun madu yang terbentuk diukur dan dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata tingkat konsumsi floem pada varietas padi Ciherang, IR-64 dan Pelita, menunjukkan bahwa ketiga varietas ini sangat rentan terhadap hama pengisap WBC. Semakin banyak nutrisi makanan yang disedot oleh hama WBC dari tanaman padi, maka semakin banyak jumlah spot bercak honeydew dan semakin luas spot bercak honeydew yang dihasilkan. Luas spot untuk varietas Pelita adalah 33,78 m2, IR-64 28,26 mm2, dan Ciherang 22,44 mm2. Varietas padi Pelita memiliki kerentanan yang tinggi terhadap hama WBC, bila dibandingkan dengan varietas Ciherang dan IR-64, karena varietas Pelita ini tidak memiliki gen ketahanan terhadap hama WBC. Kata kunci: Ciherang, honeydew IR-64, padi, Pelita, wereng
The low yield of cabbage in Maluku is thought to due to the lack of attention of farmers to grow to crop because so far farmers think it can only grow well and forms crops in the highlands, so no one wants to grow cabbage. This study aimed to determine the yield performance of five cabbage varieties with the use of several types of mulches and was carried out in Gemba Village, Kairatu Subdistrict, Western Seram Regency. The experimental design used was the factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications and the farmers as replications. The first factor was five varieties of cabbage (Sehati-F1, Daehnfeldt, Green Hero, Green Coronet, KK-Koss), the second factor was the type of mulch, consisting of four types, namely: without mulch (M0), black silver plastic mulch, straw mulch, and husk mulch. The data obtained were analyzed with analysis of variance and DMRT test at the level of 5% if necessary. Parameters observed included plant height at 45 days after planting, leaf number, percentage of crop formation, percentage of pest and disease attacks, crop circumference per plant at harvest, fruit weight, and yield. The study results showed that the five varieties tested with the use of various types of mulch had the potentials to be developed in Maluku. Varieties with the highest yields and very good adaptation to lowland environments in Maluku included Sehati-F1 and KK-Cross. Pest control by using plant-based pesticides in a combination with scheduled mechanical control (yellow plates, pitfalls, and stick traps) could reduce the levels of pest and disease attacks and the crops appeared healthy for consumption. Keywords: cabbage, lowland, mulch ABSTRAK Rendahnya produksi kubis di Maluku diduga akibat kurangnya perhatian petani untuk bertanam kubis, yang dikarenakan selama ini petani mengira kubis hanya dapat tumbuh baik dan membentuk krop di dataran tinggi, sehingga sedikit petani yang mau berusahatani kubis. Kajian ini bertujuan mengetahui keragaan hasil lima varietas kubis dengan penggunaan berbagai jenis mulsa di desa Gemba, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan tiga ulangan dan petani sebagai ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah lima varietas kubis (Sehati-F1, Daehnfeldt, Green hero, Green Coronet, KK-Cross); faktor kedua adalah jenis mulsa yang terdiri dari empat macam, yaitu: tanpa mulsa (M0), mulsa plastic hitam perak, mulsa jerami dan mulsa sekam. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan uji lanjut DMRT pada taraf 5% sesuai kebutuhan. Peubah-peubah yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman umur 45 hari setelah tanam (hst), jumlah daun, persentase pembentukan krop, persentase serangan hama dan penyakit, lingkar buah per tanaman saat panen, bobot buah dan hasil panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima varietas yang di uji dengan penggunaan berbagai jenis mulsa sangat berpotensi untuk dibudidayakan di Maluku berdasarkan kemampuannya membentuk krop. Varietas dengan produksi tertinggi dan beradaptasi sangat baik terhadap lingkungan dataran rendah di lokasi penelitian adalah Sehati-F1 dan KK-Cross. Penggendalian hama dengan menggunakan pestisida nabati yang dikombinasikan dengan pengendalian secara mekanis (tampan kuning, pitfoll dan sticky trap) secara terjadwal dapat menurunkan tingkat serangan hama dan penyakit, dan menghasilkan tanaman-tanaman yang sehat. Kata Kunci: dataran rendah, kubis, mulsa, varietas
Herbivorous insects and plants have a very complex interaction relationship, where plants play an important role in shaping the behavior and development of herbivorous insects. Nutrients contained in plants in the form of secondary compounds also determine whether or not plants were selected by insects. The objective of the research was to study the preferences of Henosepilachna sparsa herbivorous insects on several cultivated plants. The study was conducted in October 2013 at the Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. The steps of the experiments were: a) Extracting plant materials such as takokak, eggplant, tomatoes, and broccoli using hexane and methanol solvents; and b) imago H. sparsa preference of plant was takokak plant extract with methanol solvent, takokak plant material with Hexane solvent, tomato plant with Methanol solvent, tomato plant material with Hexane solvent, eggplant plant material with Methanol solvent, eggplant material with Hexane solvent, broccoli with Methanol solvent), broccoli plant material with Hexane solvent was carried out using a three-branched olfactometer (Y form). Imago H. sparsa of plant extract was taken from around the taro plant in Bogor. The results of the study show that the imago H. sparsa insect preference test for extraction of test plants using hexane solvents was better than methanol solvents. Extraction of eggplant plants with hexane solvents has the highest retention value (Rf) of 0.751 cm with the assumption that the higher the Rf value, the more metabolites are detected. Keywords: allelochemics, attractants, broccoli, eggplant, repellent, tomatoes, takokak ABSTRAK Serangga herbivora dan tanaman memiliki hubungan interaksi yang sangat kompleks, dimana tanaman mempunyai peran yang penting dalam membentuk perilaku dan perkembangan serangga herbivora. Nutrisi yang dikandung tanaman berupa senyawa sekunder juga menentukan dipilih atau tidak dipilih suatu tanaman oleh serangga. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari preferensi serangga herbivora Henosepilachna sparsa pada beberapa tanaman budidaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2013 di Laboratorium Toksikologi, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tahapan penelitian meliputi: a) Ekstraksi bahan-bahan tanaman seperti takokak, terung, tomat, dan brokoli dengan menggunakan pelarut heksana dan metanol; dan b) Preferensi imago H. Sparsa terhadap ekstrak bahan tanaman takokak dengan pelarut Metanol, bahan tanaman takokak dengan pelarut Heksana, bahan tanaman tomat dengan pelarut Metanol, bahan tanaman tomat dengan pelarut Heksana, bahan tanaman terung dengan pelarut Metanol, bahan tanaman terung dengan pelarut Heksana, bahan tanaman brokoli dengan pelarut Metanol, bahan tanaman brokoli dengan pelarut Heksana dilakukan menggunakan olfaktometer yang bercabang tiga (bentuk Y). Imago H. sparsa diambil dari sekitar pertanaman talas di Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji preferensi serangga imago H. sparsa terhadap ekstraks tanaman uji menggunakan pelarut heksana lebih baik dari pelarut metanol. Ekstraksi tanaman terung dengan pelarut heksana memiliki nilai retensi tertinggi (Rf) 0,751 cm dengan dugaan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai Rf maka semakin banyak senyawa metabolit yang terdeteksi. Kata Kunci: allelokemik, atraktan, brokoli, repelen, takokak, terung, tomat
This study focuses on land cover and land management changes in relation to food security and environmental services in a semi-arid area of East Nusa Tenggara (ENT) – Indonesia. The study was conducted in Central Sumba District of ENT Province. Classification and regression tree (CART) for land cover classification has been analyzed using machine learning techniques using Google Earth Engine. A survey with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and followed with in-depth interviews were conducted for primary data collection involving a total of 871 respondents. The Socio-economic data analyzed statistics descriptively and non-parametric tests. The study showed that: 1). There has been a substantial land use change during the devo-lution era that has both positive and negative implications for food security and envi-ronmental services. 2). There has been population pressure in the fertile or agricultur-al land as the direct impact of the development of city infrastructures; and 3). Nation-al intervention through the Food Estate program has fostered and shaped land use change and land management in Central Sumba District. The study highlights the importance that the devolution spirit should help to well manage the limited ara-ble/agricultural land in dominated semi-arid to ensure food security and environment services.
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