AbstrakPenelitian Nilai Estetik Tari Sining pada masyarakat Gayo bertujuan mendeskripsikan koreografi dan nilai estetik Tari Sining Koreografi Tari Sining merupakan salah satu daya Tarik yang memiliki nilai estetik lebih sehingga tarian ini sebelumnya pernah punah, hingga pada akhirnya dilestarikan kembali melalui upaya revitalisasi dan menjadi warisan budaya daerah Aceh. Dengan memiliki nilai estetik koreografi yang lebih dan dapat tergambar melalui gerakan yang dihasilkan sehingga dapat menyatu dengan konsep kehidupan masyarakat tarian ini dapat di terima dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Analisis koreografi Tari Sining menggunakan konsep koreografi Sumandiyo Hadi. Analisis nilai estetik menggunakan konsep nilai estetik menurut The Liang Gie, yang didukung oleh konsep ciri-ciri sifat benda estetik oleh Monroe Beardsley, dan konsep pengungkapan nilai-nilai kehidupan dalam karya seni oleh De Witt H. Parker. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan estetik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Tari Sining memiliki nilai estetik karena dari sudut pandang yang mampu diserat oleh inderawi memiliki nilai bentuk dan dari sisi manapun mengungkapkan nilai-nilai kehidupan pada masyarakat Gayo menjadikan Tari Sining sebagai salahs atu ritual dari budaya dan tradisi masyarakat pada masanya. Kata Kunci: estetik, tari sining, gayo.AbstractResearch on the Aesthetic Value of Sining Dance in the Gayo community aims to describe the choreography and aesthetic value of the Sining Dance. The choreography of Sining Dance is one of the attractions that has more aesthetic value so that this dance has previously been extinct, until it is finally preserved again through revitalization efforts and becomes the cultural heritage of Aceh. . By having more choreographic aesthetic value and can be illustrated through the resulting movements so that it can be integrated with the concept of community life, this dance can be well received by the community. The choreography analysis of Sining Dance uses the choreography concept of Sumandiyo Hadi. Aesthetic value analysis uses the concept of aesthetic value according to The Liang Gie, which is supported by the concept of the characteristics of aesthetic objects by Monroe Beardsley, and the concept of expressing the values of life in works of art by De Witt H. Parker. This research uses qualitative research methods with an aesthetic approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and literature study. The results showed that Sining Dance has aesthetic value because from the point of view that the senses are able to nibble it has a form value and from any side reveal the values of life in the Gayo community making Sining Dance a ritual or ritual of the culture and traditions of the people of its time.Keywords: aesthetic, sining dance, gayo.
AbstrakIluminasi atau seni naskah (the art of the book), dapat diartikan sebagai garapan visual yang bersifat dekoratif yang terdapat pada naskah yang berfungsi sebagai penghias. Pada dasarnya digunakan untuk memperindah bagian tertentu, terutama pada halaman depan naskah (frontispiece). Dalam naskah kuno karya ulama Aceh diketemukan berbagai bentuk iluminasi yang mengadopsi gaya ragam hias lokal Aceh. Keindahan iluminasi dalam khazanah naskah kuno karya ulama Aceh, terutama yang terdapat mushaf Al-Quran yang terhimpun menjadi koleksi lembaga-lembaga non pemerintah (swasta) di Kota Banda Aceh saat ini belum sepenuhnya tersentuh oleh kajian-kajian yang mengarah pada aspek rupa. Baik dari segi pendataan yang komprehensif hingga analisis mendalam dalam perspektif seni rupa.Penelitian yang berjudul “Inventarisasi Ragam Hias Aceh Pada Iluminasi Mushaf Al-Quran Kuno Koleksi Pedir Museum di Banda Aceh” bertujuan untuk mengkaji aspek rupa yang memfokuska n pada ragam hias Aceh pada iluminasi pada beberapa mushaf Al-Quran koleksi Pedir Museum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan pendataan. Data-data yang telah terkumpul kemudian dilakukan proses pengindentifikasian, pengkatagorisasian, dan analisis data dengan mengunakan metode digitalisasi ragam hias pada beberapa mushaf Al-Quran koleksi Pedir Museum Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendata, mendokumentasikan, meninventarisir, serta analisis karakteristik ragam hias Aceh yang terdapat pada iluminasi mushaf Al-Quran koleksi Pedir Museum.Kata Kunci: ragam hias Aceh, mushaf Al-Quran.AbstractIllumination or manuscript (the art of the book), can be interpreted as a decorative visual work that is contained in the manuscript that serves as a decoration. Basically used to beautify certain parts, especially on the front page of the script (frontispiece). In ancient manuscripts by Acehnese scholars, various forms of illumination were adopted which adopted the local Acehnese decorative style. The beauty of illumination in the treasures of ancient manuscripts by Acehnese ulama, especially those contained in the Al-Quran Manuscripts compiled into a collection of non-governmental institutions (private) in the city of Banda Aceh at this time has not been fully touched by studies that lead to visual aspects. Both in terms of comprehensive data collection to in-depth analysis in the perspective of fine arts. The study entitled "Inventory of Aceh Ornamental Variations in Illumination of Ancient Al-Quran Manuscripts in the Pedir Museum Collection in Banda Aceh" aims to examine visual aspects that focus on the Acehnese ornamental variety in illuminations on several Al-Quran Manuscripts from the Pedir Museum collection. This research uses quantitative research methods, using data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation, and data collection. The data that has been collected is then carried out the process of identifying, categorizing, and analyzing the data by using the digitizing method of ornamental variance in several Al-Quran Manuscripts from the Banda Aceh Pedir Museum collection. This research is expected to be able to record, document, inventory, and analyze the characteristics of Aceh's ornamental variations found in the illumination of the Al-Quran Manuscripts from the Pedir Museum collection. Keywords: variety of ornamental Aceh, Al-Quran manuscripts.
This article aims to determine the form of governance applied in the Rapa'i Daboh Bungong Jeumpa Group (GRDBJ) in the post-Tsunami refugee area in Aceh, CARE, in Jantho City, Aceh Besar District. The problem is focused on the form of GRDBJ governance by using the management function approach reference proposed by Goerge R. Terry. The management function consists of four: 1) Planning (planning); 2) Organizing (organizing); 3) Movement (actuating); and 4) controlling. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written words from people and behavior that can be observed using several stages of data collection, namely: observation; literature review; Interview; and documentation. This study concludes that the planning carried out by GRDBJ includes preparing member resources in quality and quantity. In the organizational aspect, GRDBJ has a formal organizational structure that is generally applied in an organization, besides that there is a central and significant role for the caliph and ceh. In the movement, GRDBJ applies work efficiency through optimal utilization of human resources and facilities. In addition, GRDBJ conducts foster group coaching consisting of young children. The form of supervision includes supervision of the performance of members or players, finances, performance materials.
Guel dance was a traditional dance based on the history narrative of Gayo, District- inspired by the legend of the siblings Sengedaand BenerMerie who were looking for white elephants that to be presented to a princess. Therefore, some elements of the dance movements reflected the character of the elephant. Besides the aspect of form, every element of Guel dance movements also contained the philosophical values that contain moral messages and social values. Currently, Guel dance performances creations are increasingly present in the middle of the community, The forms of Guel dance creations sometimes leave the standard provisions as a standard form of the dance itself. This study aimed to describe the philosophical values of the Guel dance movement in Takengon, Aceh Tengah District, by using the theory approach of motion dance structure fromKaepleer. The method used in this study was descriptive interpretative approach, namely research directly related to the community (participatory observation)for data retrieval. This study concluded that the Guel dance was a traditional dance which has a standardize story structure and dance motion philosophy. It implied the moral teachings, religious teachings, Guel dance has a message about loyalty, responsibility, fraternity, and it is not only done by relatives or family nut must be done in relationship for others.
Thaipusam is a celebration ceremony held sacredly in the form of a prayer ritual procession and the procession of the Lord Murugan statues which is held annually by the Tamil Hindu ethnic community in Banda Aceh. This ritual is held in the Thai month according to the Hindu Tamil calendar, as a form of respect for Lord Murugan for his victory in fighting evil. This celebration ceremony is also a place to fulfill vows and purify themselves for ritual participants - which is accompanied by the attraction of stabbing sharp objects into certain body parts such as the tongue, lips, cheeks, forehead, back, and other body parts. This celebration ceremony includes percussion music at the time of the procession. In addition to having multiple functions in the context of the celebration ceremony, percussion ensemble music in the procession is also believed to have its own effect on ritual participants. Religious songs and percussion music ensembles in the celebration ceremony at first glance do appear to be mere elements of ritual celebration. However, furthermore, the percussion music ensemble is considered to play a role in influencing the spirituality of the ritual performer to lead him to a state of stupor, to trance when performing body piercing attractions. The purpose of this study was to examine the function of music in the Thaipusam Ritual celebration ceremony as well as in influencing the spirituality level of the ritual participants. The research method used is a qualitative research method which is carried out in several stages, including: literature study and in-depth interviews. The approach used in this research is the theory of music function from Alan P. Merriam and the approach to music and trance proposed by Gilbert Rouget. The results of this study indicate that, at least there are four functions of music observed in this study, including: celebratory and entertainment functions; function of cultural expression; the function of legitimizing ritual ceremonies; and function of community group integrity. On the other hand, for ritual supporters – in this case the votive participants, music serves as a spiritual reinforcement for them in fulfilling their vows.Keywords: music function, thaipusam, Banda Aceh.AbstrakThaipusam adalah upacara perayaan yang diselenggarakan secara sakral dalam bentuk prosesi ritual doa dan prosesi araka-arakan arca Dewa Murugan yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun oleh masyarat etnis Hindu Tamil di Banda Aceh. Ritual ini dilangsungkan pada bulan Thai menurut kalender Hindu Tamil, sebagai bentuk penghormatan Dewa Murugan atas kemenangannya memerangi kejahatan. Upacara perayaan ini juga sebagai ajang untuk menunaikan nazar dan menyucikan diri bagi peserta ritual -- yang disertai atraksi menusukkan benda-benda tajam ke beberapa bagian tubuh tertentu seperti, lidah, bibir, pipi, dahi, punggung, serta bagian tubuh lainnya. Upacara perayaan ini menghadirikan permainan musik perkusi pada saat prosesi arak-arakan. Selain memiliki fungsi yang jamak dalam konteks upacara perayaannya, musik ensambel perkusi dalam arak-arakan juga diyakini memiliki efek tersendiri bagi peserta ritual. Nyanyian keagamaan dan ensambel musik perkusi dalam upacara perayaan tersebut secara sekilas memang tampak sebagai unsur pemeriah ritual semata. Namun, lebih jauh, ensambel musik perkusi tersebut dinilai berperan dalam memengaruhi spiritualitas pelaku ritual hingga mengantarnya ke pada kondisi kusyuk, hingga trance saat melakukan atraksi tindik tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat fungsi musik dalam upacara perayaan Ritual Thaipusam serta dalam memengaruhi tingkat spiritualitas peserta ritual. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan, di antaranya: studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori fungsi musik dari Alan P. Merriam dan pendekatan tentang musik dan trance yang dikemukakan oleh Gilbert Rouget. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa, setidaknya terdapat empat fungsi musik yang teramati dalam penelitian ini, di antaranya: fungsi pemeriah dan hiburan; fungsi ekspresi budaya; fungsi pengabsahan upacara ritual; dan fungsi integritas kelompok masyarakat. Di sisi lain, bagi pendukung ritual - dalam hal ini peserta nazar, musik berfungsi sebagai penguat spiritual mereka dalam menunaikan nazar.Kata Kunci: fungsi musik, thaipusam, Banda Aceh. 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