This research purpose are producing interactive multimedia product with validity level as media criteria expected in "My Family" theme in family subject for grade 1 Elementary School. The research uses Research and Development from Borg and Gall with three phases: (a) Introduction Study by doing need assessment and literature study, (b) early product development, expert validation, limited test, and (c) Testing by doing experiment research from hypothetic product to grade 2 Elementary School samples with real class condition in learning. Research shows that multimedia developed can be categorized as worth acccording to expert validation, according to material expert with total percentage 95% with very good qualification. Media expert with total percentage 88% with very good qualification, limited test result with total percentage 100% very good qualification. This fun interactive multimedia has been tested its validity and effectiveness in class learning. It can be described from pretest 67 and post test 87. From t test by using paired samples t-test procedure found significant t <0.01 or 1%. According to research result, it can be concluded that fun interactive media development for thematic learning in Elementary School is worth and very useful also can be applied in thematic learning at grade I of elementary school. According to research result, it is suggested that all grade I Elementary School uses learning media, especially fun interactive media. So it will enliven the class atmosphere which will create more concrete material delivery and students' motivation can be increased rapidly, also raising students' creativity.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk multimedia interaktif yang memiliki tingkat kevalidan sebagai kriteria media yang diharapkan pada tema keluargaku pokok bahasan tentang keluarga untuk siswa kelas I SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Pengembangan (Research and Development) dari Borg and Gall dengan tiga tahap, (a) Studi pendahuluan dengan melakukan need assement dan studi pustaka, (b) Pengembangan produk awal,` validasi ahli, uji coba terbatas, dan (c) Pengujian dengan melakukan penelitian eksperimen dari produk hipotetik pada sampel 2 SD dengan kondisi kelas yang sebenarnya dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa multimedia yang dikembangkan dikategorikan layak berdasarkan validasi ahli menurut ahli materi dengan persentase total 95% dengan kualifikasi sangat baik, ahli media dengan persentase total 88% dengan kualifikasi sangat baik, hasil uji coba terbatas dengan persentase total 100% kualifikasi sangat baik. Multimedia interaktif ceria ini telah teruji kevalidan dan keefektifannya pada pembelajaran di kelas, tergambar dari nilai pretest 67 dan dari posttest 87. Dari uji t dengan menggunakan prosedur paired samples t-test diperoleh nilai t signifikan <0.01 atau 1%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia interaktif ceria (MIC) pembelajaran tematik di Sekolah Dasar sangat layak dan memiliki daya guna ti...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) efektivitas lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa Bululawang; (2) kendala dari kinerja lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa Bululawang; (3) solusi dari permasalahan kinerja lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa Bululawang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan di Kantor Desa Bululawang pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Juni 2019. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi langsung, wawancara dengan informan, serta mendokumentasikan kegiatan. Data dianalisis melalui tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Serta, tahapan terakhir ialah keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan (1) efektivitas lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa Bululawang cukup sesuai dengan Pasal 6 Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Malang Nomor 6 tahun 2016 tentang Lembaga Kemasyarakatan Desa. (2) kendala yang terjadi pada kinerja lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan desa Bululawang berupa tidak semua bagian dalam lembaga tersebut memiliki kegiatan di tiap tahunnya.
This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu, with the aim of (1) to fnd out and describe the implementation of character education based on religious culture in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu; (2) to fnd out and describe the enabling and inhibiting factors in the implementation of character education based on religious culture in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu; (3) to describe the solutions taken in addressing the problems that arise in the implementation of character education based on religious culture in SMP Muhammadiyah2 Batu.This study uses qualitative research techniques. Where researchers plunge directly to obtain information related to the title of this research. The collection of data obtained from interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The informant that needs to be explored include, the principal of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu, vice of the student , vice of sarpras, PPKn teachers, religious teachers, and students of class VII, VIII, and IX. Then the data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the implementation of character education based on religious culture in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu, implemented through collaboration between the KTSP curriculum with the curriculum of Primary and Secondary Education Muhammadiyah assemblies and their development become specifc policies that have been agreed upon by the school. The development is carried out through habituation or cultural activities in schools are routinely carried out, namely: Culture 5S, Kultum and Duha prayer, Quranic Literacy (BTA), afternoon prayers in congregation , Fridayprayers, empathy (caring), study end-run council/IPM, and the Great Day of Islam (PHBI). Religious culture based on character education is very important in shaping the character and morals of students that possess akhlakul karimah corresponding to 18 values rooted in religious character, Pancasila, cultural, and educational purposes. Supporting factors in the implementation of character education based on religious culture in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Batu is a curriculum, agreements, teachers (human resource) that support, facilities andinfrastructure (Mosque) in the school, the program, control of community (community participation). Inhibiting factor is student input that are heterogeneous and plural so it can not evenly distributed, the external factors (social environment or community), the limitations of the existing facilities at the school, the programs are less agreed, student awareness is still low. The solution is the school needs to improve, and always keep the communication and cooperation with parents, provide insight to the child, parents, and related institutions, develop and optimizing potentials, as well as tighter regulations in the character formation of students.
ABSTRAKUntuk memperbaiki karakter peserta didik khususnya karakter religius dan disiplin, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui program pendidikan karakter religius yang dikembangkan di SMAN 2 Batu. (2) mengetahui program pendidikan karakter disiplin yang dikembangkan di SMAN 2 Batu. (3) mendeskripsikan bentuk implementasi dari karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu.Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan penelitian deskriptif, tempat dan waktu penelitian di SMAN 2 Batu selama 4 minggu. Prosedur Penelitian: Tahap pra lapangan, Tahap pelaksanaan/proses lapangan, Tahap analisa data, Tahap kesimpulan, dan Tahap pelaporan. Data Primer hasil wawancara, Data Skunder adalah buku, jurnal, data-data sekolah, sumber datanya adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru agama, petugas tatib, dan beberapa peserta didik dari kelas XI IPA, IPS, dan IBBu. Teknik Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian: Peneliti sebagai alat utama (Key Instrumen), Instrumen Observasi, Instrumen Wawancara, dan Instrumen Dokumentasi. Teknik Analisis data: Pengumpulan data, Reduksi Data, Penyajian data, dan Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) program pendidikan karakter religius seperti: Keputrian, BTQ, infak, sholat berjamaah, perayaan hari-hari besar, dan lain-lain, (2) program karakter disiplin, seperti: Pengenalan lingkungan sekolah, baris-berbaris, seluruh aturan tata tertib, dan lain-lain, program-program tersebut merupakan cara yang efisien untuk membentuk karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu. (3) Bentuk implementasi dari karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu dengan memberikan internalisasi pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin, membiasakan peserta didik untuk mengikuti seluruh program yang telah dibuat khususnya program religius dan disiplin, memberikan teladan yang baik untuk peserta didik, serta memaksukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakter religius dan disiplin, seperti faktor intern dan faktor ekstern peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Peranan Sekolah, Karakter Religius, Karakter Disiplin ABSTRACTTo improve the character of students especially religious character and discipline, hence this research aim to: (1) know the education program of religious character developed in SMAN 2 Batu. (2) to know the character education program of discipline developed in SMAN 2 Batu. (3) to describe the implementation of the religious character and discipline of learners in SMAN 2 Batu.The research method used is descriptive research approach, place and time of research in SMAN 2 Batu for 4 weeks. Research Procedure: Pre-field stage, Implementation Phase / Field Process, Data Analysis Stage, Conclusion Stage, and Reporting Stage. Primary data of interview result, Script Data is book, journal, data of school, data source is principal, vice principal, religious teacher, tatib officer, and some students from class XI IPA, IPS, and IBBu. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Research instrument: Researcher as main instrument (Key Instrument), Observation Instrument, Interview Instrument, and Documentation Instrument. Techniques Data analysis: Data collection, Data Reduction, Presentation of data, and Conclusions. The results of the study show that: (1) religious character education programs such as: Keputrian, BTQ, infaq, congregational prayer, celebration of big days, etc. (2) disciplinary character program, such as: Introduction of school environment, , the entire rules of order, etc., the programs are an efficient way to shape the religious and disciplinary character of students in SMAN 2 Batu. (3) The form of implementation of the religious character and discipline of students in SMAN 2 Batu by providing internalization of religious character education and discipline, familiarize the students to follow all the programs that have been made especially religious and discipline program, to set a good example for students, as well implies factors that affect religious character and discipline, such as internal factors and external factors students. Keywords : The Role of School, Character of Religious, Character of DisciplineABSTRAKUntuk memperbaiki karakter peserta didik khususnya karakter religius dan disiplin, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui program pendidikan karakter religius yang dikembangkan di SMAN 2 Batu. (2) mengetahui program pendidikan karakter disiplin yang dikembangkan di SMAN 2 Batu. (3) mendeskripsikan bentuk implementasi dari karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu.Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan penelitian deskriptif, tempat dan waktu penelitian di SMAN 2 Batu selama 4 minggu. Prosedur Penelitian: Tahap pra lapangan, Tahap pelaksanaan/proses lapangan, Tahap analisa data, Tahap kesimpulan, dan Tahap pelaporan. Data Primer hasil wawancara, Data Skunder adalah buku, jurnal, data-data sekolah, sumber datanya adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru agama, petugas tatib, dan beberapa peserta didik dari kelas XI IPA, IPS, dan IBBu. Teknik Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian: Peneliti sebagai alat utama (Key Instrumen), Instrumen Observasi, Instrumen Wawancara, dan Instrumen Dokumentasi. Teknik Analisis data: Pengumpulan data, Reduksi Data, Penyajian data, dan Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) program pendidikan karakter religius seperti: Keputrian, BTQ, infak, sholat berjamaah, perayaan hari-hari besar, dan lain-lain, (2) program karakter disiplin, seperti: Pengenalan lingkungan sekolah, baris-berbaris, seluruh aturan tata tertib, dan lain-lain, program-program tersebut merupakan cara yang efisien untuk membentuk karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu. (3) Bentuk implementasi dari karakter religius dan disiplin peserta didik di SMAN 2 Batu dengan memberikan internalisasi pendidikan karakter religius dan disiplin, membiasakan peserta didik untuk mengikuti seluruh program yang telah dibuat khususnya program religius dan disiplin, memberikan teladan yang baik untuk peserta didik, serta memaksukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakter religius dan disiplin, seperti faktor intern dan faktor ekstern peserta didik. Kata Kunci : Peranan Sekolah, Karakter Religius, Karakter Disiplin ABSTRACTTo improve the character of students especially religious character and discipline, hence this research aim to: (1) know the education program of religious character developed in SMAN 2 Batu. (2) to know the character education program of discipline developed in SMAN 2 Batu. (3) to describe the implementation of the religious character and discipline of learners in SMAN 2 Batu.The research method used is descriptive research approach, place and time of research in SMAN 2 Batu for 4 weeks. Research Procedure: Pre-field stage, Implementation Phase / Field Process, Data Analysis Stage, Conclusion Stage, and Reporting Stage. Primary data of interview result, Script Data is book, journal, data of school, data source is principal, vice principal, religious teacher, tatib officer, and some students from class XI IPA, IPS, and IBBu. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Research instrument: Researcher as main instrument (Key Instrument), Observation Instrument, Interview Instrument, and Documentation Instrument. Techniques Data analysis: Data collection, Data Reduction, Presentation of data, and Conclusions. The results of the study show that: (1) religious character education programs such as: Keputrian, BTQ, infaq, congregational prayer, celebration of big days, etc. (2) disciplinary character program, such as: Introduction of school environment, , the entire rules of order, etc., the programs are an efficient way to shape the religious and disciplinary character of students in SMAN 2 Batu. (3) The form of implementation of the religious character and discipline of students in SMAN 2 Batu by providing internalization of religious character education and discipline, familiarize the students to follow all the programs that have been made especially religious and discipline program, to set a good example for students, as well implies factors that affect religious character and discipline, such as internal factors and external factors students. Keywords : The Role of School, Character of Religious, Character of Discipline
ABSTRAKPemerintah Kabupaten Manggarai Barat mempunyai peran penting dalam memajukan daerahnya, salah satunya dengan mengembangkan potensi yang ada. Dengan mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada di Manggarai Barat, khususnya dari sektor pariwisata agar bisa meningkatkan Pendapatan Daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Mendeskripsikan upaya pengembangan potensi pariwisata dalam meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah, (2) Menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi Pemerintah Daerah dalam pengembangan potensi pariwisata, (3) Menjelaskan solusi yang dilakukan Pemerintah Daerah dan mengatasi kendala. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun informan yang digali informasinya adalah sekretaris dinas kebudayaandan pariwisata, kepala bidang pengembangan, kepala bidang promosi, pemandu wisata dan pengunjung wisata di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut:(1) Strategi Pemerintah Daerah untuk meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah melalui pengembangan potensi pariwisata telah dilakukan dan dimasukan dalam Renstra, namun belum begitu maksimal, (2) Kendalanya yaitu: faktor masyarakat, kurangnya kualitas SDM, anggaran dana terbatas, belum optimalnya sarana dan prasarana, kurangnya kerjasama, ketatnya persaingan pasar dan masih belum tersedianya sarana promosi. (3) Solusinya yaitu mengadakan pokdarwis, meningkatkan kualitas SDM, mengoptimalkan pengeluaran maupun pemasukan dana, peningkatan sarana dan prasarana, meningkatkan koordinasi antar dinas, peningkatan kualitas produk, mengoptimalkan sarana promosi.Kata Kunci : Strategi, Pemerintah Daerah, Potensi Pariwisata.ABSTRACTFurthermore, the local government of West Manggarai holds the crucial role indeveloping the region by means of optimizing the existing potentialities. In accordance with the societal perception regarding the condition of eastern regions of Indonesia that are categorized as underdeveloped regions, it is of requirement for local government to alternate such paradigm. It might be by optimizing the potentialities that entail West Manggarai, particularly on tourism sector, in addition to increase the revenue. Therefore this research was intended to: (1) describe the efforts of developing the tourism potentiality in developing the locally-generated revenue in West Manggarai; (2) analyze the barriers faced by the local government in developing the tourism potentiality; (3) formulate the possible solutions for local government to overcome the barriers. Moreover, this research accommodated descriptively qualitative research design in whichthis research was to systematically and conscientiously provide a vision of actual facts and characteristics of particular population. In addition, it aimed to solve the actual issues and collect the data. Furthermore, the data were originally collected from observation, interview, and documentation. In fact, the informants recruited included the secretary of Department of Tourism and Culture, the head of field development tour-guide (1 person), and tourist (1 person) of West Manggarai. Alluding to the research that had been piloted,there were some results as being explicated as follows: (1) the strategies of localgovernment in developing the revenue by means of developing the tourism potentiality had been implemented and inserted into the strategic plan, but they had not been maximally successful yet; (2) the barriers faced in developing the tourism potentiality comprised societal factor, lack of quality regarding human resource, limited budgets, ineffectiveness of supporting facilities, lack of collaboration with private parties, the sharp competition ofmarket, and the unobtainability of tourism promotion facilities, such as websites; and (3) the possible solutions to overcome the barriers were by: establishing aware group of tourism, upgrading the quality of human resource, optimizing the expenditures and revenues, developing the supporting facilities, strengthening the coordination of each department, upgrading the quality of products, and optimizing the promotion facilities.Keywords: The Strategies, Local Government, Tourism Potentiality.
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