1985, RNA and protein metabolism during adventitious root formation in stem cuttings of Phaseolus aureus. -Physiol, Plant, 64: 53-59,Indole-3-butyrie acid (IBA, lO-'Af), spermine (7 X W^M) and vitamin Dj (6,3 X W^M), all of which enhance rooting in mung bean cuttings (Phaseolus aureus Roxb, cv, Berkin), influence RNA metabolism. Total and poly (A)''^-RNA synthesis within the hypocotyl is inhibited by each of these chemicals within 24 h. These changes precede induced cell division and are therefore associated with the so-called induetive period of regeneration dtiring which some cells in the hypocotyl undergo dedifferentiation. However, following subsequent transfer of cuttings to borate, which is an essential prerequisite for development of root primordia in these cuttings, RNA synthesis is enhanced by pretreatments with IBA, spermine or vitamin D,, Ftirthermore, IBA inhibits synthesis and turnover of protein within the hypocotyl.Additional key words -Indole-3-butyric acid, mung bean, spermine, stem-cuttings, vitamin Dj, B. C. Jarvis (reprint requests), S. Yasmin artd M. T. Coieman,