Os óleos essenciais obtidos por hidrodestilação das partes aéreas de Baccharis gaudichaudiana, B. microcephala, B. penningtonii, B. phyteumoides e B. spicata coletadas em diferentes regiões da Argentina foram analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente utilizando um sistema CG e CG/EM com uma configuração especial. Os rendimentos dos óleos variaram de 0,1 a 0,2% (m/v de planta seca). Diferentes compostos foram observados na composição dos óleos essenciais das espécies estudadas: B. gaudichaudiana apresenta espatulenol e β-pineno como constituintes principais e, B. microcephala e B. spicata, espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno em concentrações mais elevadas. Na última espécie citada, o β-pineno também foi encontrado em quantidades significativas. Germacreno D foi o principal componente presente na B. penningtonii. Finalmente, β-selineno e acetato de fitol E foram os principais componentes encontrados na B. phyteumoides.Essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of Baccharis gaudichaudiana, B. microcephala, B. penningtonii, B. phyteumoides and B. spicata collected from different locations in Argentina were analyzed. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were performed using a GC/FID/MS system with a special configuration. Essential oil yields ranged from 0.1 to 0.2% (m/v of dry material). Different chemical patterns were observed in the essential oils composition of the species studied: spathulenol and β-pinene were the main constituents in B. gaudichaudiana, whereas caryophyllene oxide and spathulenol were the major constituents in B. microcephala and B. spicata. In this latter species, β-pinene has also been found in high amounts. Germacrene D was the major compound in B. penningtonii. Finally, β-selinene and phytol acetate E were the main components in B. phyteumoides.
Keywords: Baccharis gaudichaudiana, B. microcephala, B. penningtonii, B. phyteumoides, B. spicata, carqueja, essential oils
IntroductionThe genus Baccharis belongs to the Asteraceae family. This genus comprises more than 400 species in America, mainly South America. 1 Essential oils from 38 species of this genus have previously been analyzed, accounting in many cases for the value of these plants in traditional medicine as diuretics and stomachics and in fragrance industry. Because of their bitter properties these oils are also frequently used to prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Ninety six species of Baccharis were found in Argentina, and they were classified into 15 sections. Section Caulopterae or Alatae comprises 10 species, all having stems with 2 or 3 longitudinal lateral wings. 2,3 The most common Baccharis species used in traditional medicine and phytotherapy of southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina belong to this section: e.g. B. trimera, B. articulata and B. crispa. Among the remaining species of this section, B. phyteumoides, B. penningtonii. B. microcephala and B. gaudichaudiana, were selected to be studied. B. spicata was also analyzed. All these aromatic species are commonly named "carqu...