Abstract:We demonstrate a new class of hollow-core Bragg fibers that are composed of concentric cylindrical silica rings separated by nanoscale support bridges. We theoretically predict and experimentally observe hollow-core confinement over an octave frequency range. The bandwidth of bandgap guiding in this new class of Bragg fibers exceeds that of other hollow-core fibers reported in the literature. With only three rings of silica cladding layers, these Bragg fibers achieve propagation loss of the order of 1 dB/m.
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IntroductionThe concept of hollow-core Bragg fibers, in which the fiber cladding is composed of cylindrical dielectric layers with alternating refractive indices ( Fig. 1(a) -4]. In both cases, light is confined to a central hollow-core due to Bragg reflection from the periodic cladding structure. With little overlap between the propagating modes and the cladding materials, hollow core fibers are ideal for applications involving high optical powers [5,6]. Other potential advantages include significantly reduced nonlinearity and lower propagation loss [7,8]. In addition, hollow core fibers also provide an attractive paradigm to study novel nonlinear optical phenomena in gas phase materials [9,10]. One major challenge in fabricating Bragg fibers involves the identification of dielectric materials with not only a large index contrast, but also compatible rheological and thermal properties. In this paper, we report a new class of Bragg fibers that are composed of cylindrical dielectric layers in air, separated by nanoscale support bridges. Consequently, such Bragg fibers can be constructed from a single dielectric material such as a glass or a polymer. Furthermore, they have the unique property of supporting bandgap guiding over an octave frequency range, which is much larger than what has been achieved by any other hollow-core fiber [6,7,[11][12][13][14][15]. Ideally, our theoretical calculations indicate that such hollow-core air-silica Bragg fibers can achieve confinement loss of the order of 0.1 dB/km with only four silica cladding rings. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we theoretically analyze the properties of hollow-core air-silica Bragg fibers and demonstrate some of the unique features of this new class of Bragg fibers. In section 3, we discuss the fabrication and the experimental characterization of the hollow-core air-silica Bragg fibers in some details. The paper is summarized in section 4.