The successful control of basal rot disease (BSR) determined by early detection of infection because when the symptoms already appear, generally plants are difficult to save. The earlier the Ganoderma infection is known, the easier the control will be and the losses can be minimized. Therefore, early detection of Ganoderma infection is very necessary, which in this study was carried out by detecting volatile compounds using electronic nose (E-nose). E-nose detection has been carried out to analyze the compounds formed in pure Ganoderma culture. Detection of plants in the field carried out at 4 levels of infection, i.e. healthy, early, moderate and severe infection. The results concluded that Ganoderma mycelium when compared with other fungi (Trichoderma, Aspergillus and Omphalina) showed significant differences when analyzed using an unsupervised PCA chemometric system. The E-nose data processed using machine learning Support Vector Machine (SVM) was able to distinguish the aroma between Ganoderma boninense CSB, G. boninense ‘Rejosari’, and G. lucidum with an accuracy rate of 99.64%. E nose was able to differentiate with high accuracy (90.95%) of each infection level even though there was still a slice between in root sample.
Modern lifestyle caused the increasing prevalence ofobesity that precedes degenerative disease such as coronarycardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, stroke, anddiabetes mellitus. Use of healthy oil in the daily food diet couldreduce the risk of the disease. One of healthy oils that proved tobe useful for human health is diacylglycerol (DAG).Unfortunately, production of DAG in Indonesia is hampered bythe relatively high price of the lipase enzyme. To overcome theprovision of costly imported lipase in producing DAG, aresearch was conducted by employing crude extract of lipaseenzyme from an indigenous mold namely Rhizopus oryzaeTP-2. Crude extract of lipase enzyme from mycelium culturefiltrate was freeze dryed and used for crude palm oil (CPO)bioconversion through glycerolysis at various processcondition. The objective of this research was to determineoptimum variable of temperature, incubation time, amount ofsubstrate and pH in producing DAG from CPO using lipase ofR. oryzae TP-2. The reseach result showed that lipase fromR. oryzae TP-2 was proved to be specific at position of 1,3-glyceride as indicated by glycerolysis products i.e DAG/TAGratio 0.48 higher than that of FFA/TAG ratio 0.06. Optimumconditions for glycerolysis were at temperature 37 o C, pH 7,3 g of CPO substrate, and 18 hours of incubation time. DAGyield by this optimum condition reach as much as 20.76 % w/w.The lipase derived from this experiment produced DAG betterthan that of using imported commercially lipase enzyme ofRhizomucor meihei.AbstrakGaya hidup modern telah menyebabkan meningkatnyakasus kegemukan yang berdampak timbulnya berbagaipenyakit degeneratif seperti jantung koroner, hiper-kolesterolemia, stroke dan diabetes mellitus. Penggunaanminyak sehat (healthy oil) sebagai menu diet sehari-hari dapatmengurangi faktor risiko penyakit tersebut. Salah satu jenisminyak sehat yang terbukti berdampak positif pada kesehatanmanusia adalah diasilgliserol (DAG). Sayangnya, produksiDAG di Indonesia terkendala oleh mahalnya enzim lipasespesifik 1,3-gliserida yang masih harus diimpor. Untukmengatasi mahalnya enzim lipase impor dalam produksi DAGdari CPO, penelitian penggunaan ekstrak kasar lipase darikapang lokal Rhizopus oryzae TP-2 telah dilakukan. Ekstrakkasar lipase dari filtrat kultur miselium R. oryzae TP-2dikeringbekukan dan digunakan untuk biokonversi CPOmelalui proses gliserolisis pada berbagai kondisi reaksi.Penelitian bertujuan menetapkan peubah suhu, waktu, jumlahsubstrat dan pH optimum dalam produksi DAG menggunakanlipase dari R. oryzae TP-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa enzim lipase R. oryzae TP-2 bersifat spesifik1,3-gliserida yang ditunjukkan oleh nisbah DAG/TAG, yaitu0,48 lebih besar dari nisbah ALB/TAG yaitu sebesar 0,06.Kondisi optimum untuk gliserolisis CPO adalah waktu inkubasiselama 18 jam, suhu reaksi 37°C, jumlah substrat CPO 3 g, danpH reaksi 7. Hasil DAG pada kondisi optimum gliserolisisadalah 20,76 %. (b/b). Lipase R. oryzae TP-2 yang digunakandalam penelitian ini menghasilkan DAG lebih tinggi dari padalipase impor asal Rhizomucor meihei.
SummaryLipase is a group of enzymes which catalyze fat hydrolysis. Lipase is recently used to produce diacylglycerol (DAG) from triacylglycerol (TAG). Lipase can be used to produce healthy oil. Having a rich biodiversity, Indonesia has the opportunity to produce lipase using indigenous microbes, such as molds. This research aimed to detect LIPASE gene on several strains of molds employing PCR technique. Genomic DNAs were isolated from four strains of molds (M. sitophila, R. oryzae, R. microsporus, and A. corymbifera). Heterologous primers for LIPASE were designed based on the conserved region of 12 LIPASE sequences accessed from GenBank and used to amplify the genomic DNA resulted in a 466 bp fragmen. BLAST analysis showed that the bands of DNAs have high homology with common lipase protein in several strains of Rhizopus.Ringkasan Lipase merupakan kelompok enzim yang berfungsi sebagai biokatalis hidrolisis lemak. Lipase banyak digunakan untuk konversi triasilgliserol (TAG) menjadi diasilgliserol (DAG). Penggunaan lipase penting untuk produksi minyak sehat (healthy oil). Indonesia dengan keanekaragaman hayati tinggi berpeluang besar mengembangkan produksi lipase dari mikroba lokal, salah satunya adalah kapang. Deteksi gen merupakan langkah awal dalam upaya peningkatan produksi lipase melalui rekayasa genetika. DNA genomik empat galur kapang (M. sitophila, R. oryzae, R. microsporus, dan A. corymbifera) telah berhasil diisolasi. Sepasang primer heterologous telah berhasil dirancang berdasarkan daerah terkonservasi 12 sekuen gen LIPASE dari GenBank. Amplikon DNA yang diperoleh pada PCR menggunakan pasangan primer RLP memiliki panjang 466 bp. Analisis BLAST memperlihatkan bahwa amplikon PCR memiliki homologi yang tinggi dengan protein LIPASE beberapa galur Rhizopus.
The need of nitrogen (N) for the growth of Spirulina platensis and the production of protein and phycocyanin pigment is influenced by the type of source and the concentration of N contained in the growing media. Spirulina platensis can assimilate various N sources, including nitrate (NO3-) and urea. Urea is a cheap N source and easy to be obtained. Urea can also have a role as potential N source to support the growth and the metabolites production of cyanobacteria S. platensis. Partial substitution of N source (NO3‑) to urea in Zarrouk medium for S. platensis cultivation has not been conducted before. This study was aiming at determining the optimum ratio of NaNO3 : CO(NH2)2 and the optimum N concentration in the Zarrouk medium for protein and phycocyanin production by S. platensis. Response Surface Method (RSM)-one factor experimental design was employed in this study for determining the optimum N concentration at specific N concentration range and optimum ratio of N source that had been previously determined. The results demonstrated that the optimum ratio of NaNO3 : CO(NH2)2 for protein and phycocyanin production was 1:1. The optimum N concentration for protein and phycocyanin pigment production in S. platensis cultivation were 5.13 mmol L-1 and 4.94 mmol L-1 with the increament in about 51.95% and 25.16%, respectively, compared to the standar Zarrouk medium.Kebutuhan unsur nitrogen (N) untuk pertumbuhan Spirulina platensis serta produksi protein dan pigmen fikosianin dipengaruhi oleh jenis sumber dan konsentrasi N yang terkandung dalam media tumbuh. Spirulina platensis dapat mengasimilasi berbagai sumber N, termasuk nitrat (NO3-) dan urea. Urea merupakan sumber N yang murah dan mudah diperoleh. Urea juga dapat berperan sebagai sumber N potensial untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan produksi metabolit pada sianobakteria S. platensis. Substitusi sebagian sumber N (NaNO3) oleh urea dalam media Zarrouk untuk kultivasi S. platensis belum banyak dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nisbah NaNO3 : CO(NH2)2 dan konsentrasi N optimum yang diperlukan dalam media Zarrouk untuk produksi protein dan fikosianin oleh S. platensis. Desain eksperimen RSM-one factor digunakan dalam penentuan konsentrasi N optimum pada rentang konsentrasi N dan nisbah sumber N optimum yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nisbah NaNO3 : CO(NH2)2 optimum untuk meningkatkan kandungan protein dan pigmen fikosianin S. platensis adalah 1:1. Konsentrasi N optimum untuk produksi protein dan pigmen fikosianin pada kultivasi S. platensis ialah 5,13 mmol L-1 dan 4,94 mmol L-1 dengan peningkatan sebesar 51,95% dan 25,16%, secara berturut-turut, bila dibandingkan dengan saat dikultivasi menggunakan media Zarrouk standar.
Ringkasan Efektivitas fungi pelarut fosfat (FPF) dalam meningkatkan kelarutan fosfor (P) fosfat alam (FA) sangat dipengaruhi oleh kesesuaian isolat fungi dengan mineralogi batuan fosfat. Satu seri percobaan laboratorium telah dilakukan untuk menetapkan potensi supernatan kultur cair (SKC) dari FPF asal tanah dan batuan tambang FA eksCileungsi dan Madura untuk meningkatkan kelarutan FA eks-Cileungsi (FAQ dan eksMadura (FAM) dalam pembuatan superfosfat yang diaktivasi secara biologi (SPab). Kegiatan penelitian meliputi: (1) seleksi pelarutan P-FPF dalam medium Pikovskaya, (2) pengujian kemampuan pelarutan P-FAC, P-FAM, P-Ca3 (PO4)z, dan P AIP04 isolat-isolat terseleksi, dan (3) optimasi pembuatan SPab dengan isolat terpilih. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua ulangan. Dari hasil isolasi diperoleh 50 isolat FPF, 17 isolat di antaranya berpotensi dalam melarutkan fosfat yang ditandai pembentukan zona bening yang intensif di sekitar koloni. Dari ketujuh belas isolat tersebut sepuluh isolat berasal dari Lulut (Cileungsi), dan tujuh isolat lainnya berasal dari Madura (masing-masing dua isolat dari Socah dan Aengnyior serta tiga isolat dari Korbe). Berdasarkan kemampuan melarutkan P dari FAC, FAM, Ca3(PO4)2, dan AIP04 diperoleh masing-masing tiga isolat dari Cileungsi dan Madura. Dari keenam isolat tersebut empat isolat di antaranya tergolong Penicillium sp. dan dua isolat lainnya termasuk Aspergillus sp. Di antara keenam isolat tersebut isolat Korbe 0909 memiliki kemampuan iertinggi dalam melarutkan P dari semua sumber P. Kandungan P-FAC lebih tinggi daripada FAM dan mendekati FA eks Maroko. SKC dapat menggantikan fungsi H2SO4 (98%) dalam melarutkan P-FA. SPab Cileungsi mengandung P nyata lebih tinggi daripada FAC yang diaktivasi secara konvensional, namun pada SPab Madura kandungan P larut air nyata lebih rendah, sedangkan P larut asam sitrat 2% dan perklorat sebanding dengan FAM yang diaktivasi secara konvensional. Aktivasi FA oleh SKC dapat menurunkan konsentrasi asam fosfat (H3PO4) dari 52% menjadi 42%. Kelarutah P (asam sitrat 2% dan air) dan kandungan sulfur-SPab Cileungsi dan Madura nyata lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan SP36.Summary The effectiveness of phosphate-solubilizing fungi (PSF) in enhancing phosphorus (P) solubility of phosphate rocks (PR) is assumed to be dependent on the suitability of the fungal isolate to the mineralogycal composition of the rocks. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the phosphate solubilizing ability of liquid culture supernatants (LCS) of PSF isolated from various PR deposits and adjacent soils, i.e. at Cileungsi in West Java and the island of Madura in East Java to enhance the reactivity of PR from deposits at Cileungsi (CPR) and Madura (MPR) and their potential use as agents in the production of biologically-activated superphosphate (SPab). Three series of laboratory experiments were conducted: (1) screening isolate on the solubilization of P in Pikovskaya medium; (2) assaying the ability of selected isolates on solubilization of P-CPR, PMPR, P-Ca3(P04)2 and P-AIPO4, and (3) optimizing superphosphate fertilizer formulation. Completely random design was used as the experimental design with two replicates. Seventeen out of 50 PSF isolates were characterized to be highly potential as phosphate solubilizers, as indicated by clear zone formation. Ten isolates were from Lulut (Cileungsi) and seven from Madura island, two from Socah and Aengnyior respectively, and remaining three from Korbe. Regarding the ability of P solubilization of four P sources, six isolates were selected, three each from Cileungsi and Madura. Of these six isolates, four are Penicillium sp., and four belong to Aspergillus sp. The Aspergillus sp. isolate Korbe 0909 was found to be the highest in P-solubilization of various sources of P. Based on the P dissolving ability of P-CPR and their effectiveness in substituting for sulphuric acid (98%) usually used in conventional production of superphosphate, the LCS of Korbe 0909 improved significantly the P-PRs dissolution. MPR activated by the LCS yielded a comparable values of 2% citric acid-soluble P content and significantly lower water-soluble P compared with conventional method: Reduction of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) concentration from 52% to 42%, in combination with LCS treatment, produced P dissolution comparable to the conventional method. Although the P solubilization of CSPab and MsPab in both 2% citric acid and water as well as thus content were significantly lower compared with SP36.
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