HIV is an iceberg phenomenon that still needs a problem solving. The data from the voluntary counselling and testing in Waluyojati General Hospital show that every month about 8-15 new people got HIV infection and Antiretroviral Therapy. Some of them adhered to undergo ARV, but some did not. One of influential factors for adherence to ARV is individual factor which consists of primary appraisal includes perceived susceptibility, severity, benefit, barrier and motivational relevance and secondary appraisal includes selfefficacy, perceived control outcome and emotion, and external factors. The aim of this study is to describe primary appraisal of antiretroviral adherence and nonadherence among People Living With HIV (PLWH). This study is a qualitative study using a content analysis. This study carried out in-depth interviews with 10 PLWH who received ART for about two weeks -three months. The results show that non adherence to ART is caused by several factors, such as income, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived barriers. Some of non adherence patients are bored to taking ARV every day and get several side effects, such as nausea and vomitting, erythema, HIV disclosure, fear of stigma. Both patients who adhere and do not to ARVperceived that taking ARV makes them healthy, resistant to be tired, less anxious or hospital care costs, and motivated like people with no HIV infection. Patients who do not adhere to ARV have more perceived barrier than perceived benefit and motivational relevance.
HIV become iceberg phenomenon. All HIV infected people have risk illness and die. Data of WHO 2018 were 37.9 million PLWH and 23.3 million on antiretroviral treatment. Every month about 8-15 new peoplegotnew HIV infection in Probolinggo district, Indonesia. HIV cummulative in Probolinggo at January 2018 were 1.140 people and only 60% ARV active and 15% lost to follow up. Many factors that influence adherence and many impact of it.. The aim to analysis psychosocial factors to increase adherence antiretroviral treatment on New PLWH infection.This method use observational study. The population were 61 PLWH on ARV treatment in Clini VCT Waluyojati General Hospital at January-May 2018, and sample were 54 people, sistematic random sampling, instrument quessionairres, observational sheet, medical record, independent variable were level of knowledge, age, sex, ethnics, level of education, employment, dependent variable was adherence to take ARV, analysis logistic regression with SPSS 16.0. α (0,05). The result that level of education (p=0.999; prevalence ratio (PR)=0.000), duration of ARV treatment (p=0.210; PR=2.988), level of knowledge (p=0.001; PR=4.450. It means only level of knowledge can increase 4.450 times of adherence to take ARV. The conclution wasrespondent that have good level of knowledge about antiretroviral schedule, risk, side effect, benefit, and outcomesinfluence adherence to take ARV than they have low level of knowledge. Health worker in Clinic VCT should conduct to increase counselling quality by giving about risk of ARV treatment, side effect, and all about ARV treatment and need social support to make them adhere to take ARV as doctors instruction.
AbstrakEpidemi HIV secara global telah memasuki kondisi kritis.Kasus HIV per Propinsi di Indonesia tertinggi kedua terdapat di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan jumlah kasus mulai tahun 1987 – Maret 2016 di Jawa Timur sebesar 26.052 orang. Jumlah pasien Wanita HIV sampai maret 2016 sebesar 74.512. Data Poli VCT sampai 30 November 2015 sebanyak 657 pasien menerima ARV. 49 orang telah meninggal dunia, 10 orang dirujuk dan 20 orang drop out. Kontrol rutin sesuai jadwal dan teratur minum ARV sebanyak 273 orang dan tidak teratur minum ARV sebanyak 297 orang.Tujuan Penelitian menganalisis hubungan konsep diri dan tingkat religiusitas dengan kepatuhan (adherence) minum obat ARV pada wanita HIV positif di Poli VCT RSUD Waluyojati Kraksaan Probolinggo. Desain analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh wanita HIV positif yang berkunjung dan mendapatkan treatment obat ARV di Poli VCT RSUD Waluyojati sebesar 81 orang. Sampel penelitian 68 orang. Teknik consecutive sampling dan uji statistik regresi linear. Hasil penelitian Nilai R = 0,337 dan nilai R square = 0,114 dan nilai adjustes R square 0,087. Kesimpulan ada hubungan konsep diri dan tingkat religiusitas dengan kepatuhan minum obat ARV pada wanita HIV Positif di Poli VCT RSUD Waluyojati Kraksaan Probolinggo dengan kekuatan hubungan rendah. Kata kunci : konsep diri, religiusitas, kepatuhan, ARV, HIV AbstractHIV Epidemic in globally had entered in critical condition. HIV cases on each provice in Indonesia are in the second highest in East Java Province in 1987-March 2016 with a number of 26.052 people. A number of HIV women patient till march 2016 are 74.512. Data on clinic VCT till November, 30rd 2015 are 657 patient that receive ARV. 49 people have died, 10 people have refered to and 20 people have drop out. Routine control appropriate by schedule and take ARV regularly are 273 people and not regularly are 297 people. The objective is to analysis association of self concept and religiousity with adherence to take ARV on HIV positif women. Analityc design with crossectional study. The population are all HIV women that visit and get ARV treatment in Clinic VCT. The sample are 68 people. Sampling consecutive and linear regression statistic test. The result R value = 0,337 and R square = 0,114 and adjustes R square 0,087. The conclusion is that self concept relates to religiousity with adherence to take ARV on HIV positif women in Clinic VCT with low level of relation Keywords : self concept, religiousity, adherence, ARV, HIV
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