ABSTRAK This study aims to develop a character-based short film that is played by early childhood. The research method of developing the video media of this character study uses the R & D stage of Dick and Carey which is taken in 10 stages. Based on data analysis in field test, it shows that t-hitung is smaller than ttable (0.75> 2.110). Thus Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. The results show that there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class that using character-based film media can improve children's moral and religious abilities. Early childhood conclusions using Audio-Visual Media (FILM)
The development of this short film was held at Maarif NU Foundation School. HASANUDIN, SURABAYA. Short film media is expected to make early childhood more interested in following the play activities and motivation triggered doing good karakter in him. The research objectives are: 1. Develop a character-based short film that is played by early childhood, 2. Discusses the constraints that occur during the development of this character-based short film. Conclusions that can be taken during the process of developing a character-based short film: 1. There is difficulty in preparing the child in the direction of style and dialogue in front of the camera. 2. It takes a long time, and the production cost is great. Conclusions can be drawn after the process of developing a karaker-based short film: 1 Early-age children who use Audio-Visual Media (FILM) are more interested and more motivated to follow lessons, especially in moral and religious values (based on the basis of film, character). 3. There are some obstacles encountered when the media is displayed during the course of learning: a. The use of film media is required to use a closed room because it requires a slightly dark space for the film looks clear. b. Using audio requires a long preparation, starting from preparing the media, c. Requires many supporting media, including Film (mainstream media), Projector, laptop, sound. d. The teacher must be an expert in operating this medium. Pengembangan film pendek ini dilaksanakan di Lembaga PAUD Maarif NU. HASANUDIN, SURABAYA. Media film pendek ini diharapkan membuat anak usia dini semakin tertarik dalam mengikuti kegiatan bermain dan terpicu motivasinya melakukan karaker-karekter baik dalam dirinya. Adapun tujuan penelitian yang ingin diperoleh adalah: 1.Mengembangkan sebuah film pendek berbasis karakter yang dimainkan oleh anak usia dini, 2. Membahas kendala-kendala yang terjadi selama pengembangan film pendek berbasis karakter ini. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil selama proses pengembangan film pendek berbasis karakter : 1. Terdapat kesulitan dalam mempersiapkan anak dalam pengarahan gaya dan dialog di depan kamera. 2. Memakan waktu yang cukup lama, dan biaya produksi yang besar. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil setelah proses pengembangan film pendek berbasis karaker: 1 Anak usia dini yang menggunakan Media Audio Visual (FILM) lebih tertarik dan lebih termotivasi untuk mengikuti pelajaran, terutama dalam aspek nilai moral dan agama (sesuai dengan basis dari film,karakter). 3. Ada beberapa kendala yang dihadapi ketika media di ditayangkan sewaktu pembelajaran antara lain: a. Penggunaan media film diharuskan menggunakan ruangan yang tertutup rapat karena memerlukan ruang yang sedikit gelap agar film tampak jelas. b. Mengunakan audio membutuhkan persiapan yang lama, mulai dari mempersiapkan media, c. Memerlukan banyak media pendukung, antara lain Film (media utama), Proyektor, laptop, sound. d. Guru harus ahli dalam mengoperasikan media ini.
This study aims to develop a character of patriotism in childhood based short movies. Movie played by early childhood. The research and development short movie of patriotism in childhood uses a cycle of R&D stages from Dick and Carey which is taken in 10 stages. Based on data analysis in the field test, it shows that t-count is smaller than t-table (0.75>2.110). Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results show that there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class that use this short movie and not use short movies. Using a short movie in the lesson can improve children's abilities in the field of patriotism in childhood. The conclusion is that early childhood who use short movies are more interested and more motivated to attend lessons, especially in the aspects of patriotism in childhood values.
Character education in early childhood is not new, and character education is also not just a transfer of knowledge, but something that needs to be built early on through various stimula- tions. This study aims to develop the character of early childhood through audio-visual media with traditional Javanese songs. Using educational design-based research to develop audio-visual media from traditional songs, this media was tested in the field with an experimental design with a control group. Respondents involved 71 kindergarten students from one experimental class in one control class. The data revealed that character education in children shows the average value of the experi- mental class is higher than the control group, this means character education in children can be built through traditional songs. Further research can be done to improve the character of early childhood through a variety of media that interests children. 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