Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it is becoming important to screen SARS-CoV-2 with high accuracy, high efficiency, and rapidness, for epidemic prevention and control. Conventional detection technologies can not satisfy the requirements of examining massive people in a very short time. Biosensor technology, with the advantages of high sensitivity, good selectivity, low cost, easy miniaturization, and short detection time, is being used to develop real-time detection equipment, thus as a potential alternative for real-time detection of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical diagnosis. In the present study, the authors summarized the construction methods and principles for optical biosensors, electrochemical biosensors, wearable biosensors, magnetic biosensors, gold nanoparticle biosensors, and aptamer biosensors, followed by the introduction of the current application of multiple biosensors in SARS-CoV-2 detection. Conclusively, the technical bottlenecks and future development trends of biosensors in SARS-CoV-2 detection are proposed. Keywords SARS-CoV-2; biosensor; detection -5] . SARS-CoV-2 是一种单链核糖核酸(RNA)包膜病 毒, 主要由刺突表面糖蛋白(spike protein, S 蛋白)、包膜 蛋白(envelope protein, E 蛋白)、基质蛋白(matrix protein, M 蛋白)和核衣壳蛋白(nucleocapsid protein, N 蛋白)四种 蛋 白 组 成 [6] . 由 于 潜 伏 时间 长 、 传 播速 度 快 且 存在 40%~45%的无症状感染 [7] , 自 2019 年 12 月首次报道以 来, COVID-19 在全球范围内呈大流行趋势, 严重威胁 了公共卫生安全. 虽然已经研发出灭活病毒疫苗、腺病 毒载体疫苗、重组亚单位疫苗等新冠疫苗, 但因有限的 接种率与 SARS-CoV-2 的强变异性(如有阿尔法、 德尔塔 以及奥密克戎等变体) [8][9][10][11] , 全球疫情扩散速率仍呈增大 趋势. 因此, 开发一种高灵敏、快速、低成本、易于微 型化的即时检测方法(POCT)对 SARS-CoV-2 进行准确 筛查显得尤为重要.目前, SARS-CoV-2 的检测主要是对病毒核酸、 病毒 抗原及抗体进行监测 [12][13] . 其中, 核酸检测主要是针对 SARS-CoV-2 病毒的 RNA 基因序列测序, 采用的技术包 括基因测序技术、实时荧光定量逆转录聚合酶链式反应