Purpose. Evaluate the effect of metabolic control of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on the perinatal period course and anthropometric parameters of newborns.Materials and methods. 300 newborns were divided into 4 groups depending on the metabolic control of the mother. Group 1: fasting glycemia <5.1 mmol/L, 1 hour after meals <7.0 mmol/L (n = 50); Group 2: <5.3 mmol/L and <7.8 mmol/L (n = 90); Group 3: > 5.3 mmol/L and> 7.8 mmol/L (n = 46), respectively; Group 4: control (n = 114). The analysis of the perinatal period course was carried out, the anthropometric parameters were estimated according to the tables INTERGROWTH-21st.Results. Differences in the frequency of obstetric injuries, which risk is associated with «above average» body weight of the newborn (p = 0.04), were found between the GDM group and the control group (38.7 and 12.3%, respectively, p = 0.0000005). The risk of having a baby with «above average» body weight (Group 1/Group 4, OR = 1.9, p = 0.1; Gr. 2/Gr. 4, OR = 2.6, and Gr. 3/Gr. 4, OR = 3.7, p <0.05), the ratio of weight/length (Gr. 1/Gr. 4, OR = 0.9, p = 0.9; Gr. 2/Gr. 4, OR = 3.6, and Gr. 3/Gr. 4, OR = 4.9, p <0.05) and head circumference (G.1/Gr. 4, OR = 1.1, p = 0.6; Gr. 2/Gr. 4, OR = 2.5, and Gr. 3/Gr. 4, OR = 2.9, p <0.05) was higher in Groups 2 and 3 than in Group 4. In the early neonatal period with GDM, hypoglycemia was more common than in the control Group 4. The lowest risk was in Group 1 (Gr. 1/Gr. 4, OR = 4.8; Gr. 2/Gr. 4, OR = 6.7; Gr. 3/Gr. 4, OR = 7.9, р < 0,05).Conclusions. Group 1 showed the lowest frequency and risk of adverse effects, which meets the control criteria of the Russian consensus.
Design/Methods A secondary analysis of prospectively gathered data from a randomised trial of different cord management strategies. 38 preterm infants were monitored between 6 and 18 hours after birth. Echocardiogram measurements of right and left ventricular output(RVO, LVO) and superior vena cava flow(SVC) were performed. cEEG and changes in cerebral blood oxygenation were determined by NIRS at 6 and 12hour timepoints. Development and grade of IVH was assessed by cranial ultrasound (CRUS) at 24hours. Quantitative features were determined for cEEG and NIRS values. Spearman rank correlations were calculated between RVO, LVO, SVO and the NIRS and EEG quantitative features in infants with and without IVH. Results Of the 38 infants analysed(median GA 28.0 weeks [23.6-31.6], median BW 950 g [530-2040 g]) 13 preterm infants developed IVH within 24 hours. Following analysis, a notable difference in relations between LVO, RVO and EEG quantitative features was found between those infants with and without IVH. Correlations of EEG features such as IBI Length max (r=0.71, pvalue 0.01), IBI burst% (r=-0.61, pvalue 0.05) and rEEG asymmetry (r=0.74, p value0.01) with LVO showed significant relationships at both 6hrs and again IBI Length max (r=0.71, pvalue 0.01), IBI burst% (r=-0.66, pvalue 0.05) and rEEG asymmetry (r=0.65, p value 0.05) at 12hr timpeoints in the IVH subgroup. No significant correlations were found between NIRS and CO measures in both groups. Conclusion(s) Correlation of early continuous EEG quantitative data with LVO measures demonstrated a significant difference in features between preterm infants with IVH and those without. These results may indicate that incorporation of CO measurements and cEEG into a multi-modal method of neonatal monitoring may permit early identification of preterm infants at increased risk of IVH.Background According to The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study (HAPO Study) 2008, hyperglycemia caused by maternal gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an important contributor to adverse fetal programming and maternal complications. Aim To assess the associations between the GDM and perinatal outcomes. Design The study comprised 228 women who were divided into two groups: Group 1 (Gr1) included 157 women with GDM, group 2 (Gr2) -71 women without GDM. The diagnosis of GDM has been confirmed according to the HAPO criteria. Retrospective analysis of pregnancy, delivery and early neonatal period were performed. Newborn anthropometric characteristics were assessed and interpreted according to INTERGROWTH-21 st recommendations. Statistical significance was estimated using Mann-Whitney U and chisquared tests. Results The rate of vaginal deliveries in both groups was similar (Gr1 81.7%; Gr2 73.5%, p = 0.19). The presence of
АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: по данным литературы, каждая 6 беременность сопровождается синдромом гипергликемии, 84% из которых обусловлены наличием гестационного сахарного диабета (ГСД). В настоящее время является актуальным проспективная оценка здоровья и характера метаболизма детей, рожденных у женщин с ГСД.ЦЕЛЬ: оценить углеводный обмен детей, рожденных у женщин с ГСД методом многократных измерений гликемии глюкометром.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в исследование включено 30 детей в возрасте от 1 до 4 лет, рожденных у женщин с подтвержденным ГСД, которым было организовано тщательное эндокринологическое сопровождение в соответствии с протоколом диагностики и лечения ГСД. В соответствии с уровнем гликемии женщин во время беременности дети разделены на группы. Группа 1 -гликемия натощак<5,1 ммоль/л, через час после еды<7,0 ммоль/л (10 детей). Группа 2 -гликемия натощак менее или равна 5,3 ммоль/л и/или 7,8 ммоль/л через час после еды (7 детей). Группа 3 -гликемия натощак более 5,3 ммоль/л и/или 7,8 ммоль/л через час после еды (6 детей). Группа 4 -группа контроля -дети у женщин без ГСД (7 детей). На протяжении 14 дней проводился мониторинг гликемии глюкометром натощак и постпрандиально в течение дня, с последующим внесением данных в дневник самоконтроля. Статистический анализ проведен с использованием непараметрического критерия Kruskal-Wallis.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: показатели медианы (Ме) глюкозы капиллярной крови методом многократных измерений глюкометром на протяжении 14 дней, в зависимости от метаболического контроля ГСД женщин, представлены следующим образом.