Intestinal microbiota is the factor that identifies considerably the human health. The impact of the microbial factor on a child begins long before his birth. Children have certain features in forming of immune response and intestinal microbiocenosis even before birth. Decline in diversity of intestinal microbiota is common in children with allergic disease even during first months of life, before allergic pathology development. Capabilities for microbiota development adjustment are sufficiently restricted. However it is clinically proven that early (within the first hours of life) breastfeeding attachment, breastfeeding itself within at least first 6 months of life, the use of prebiotics in milk formulas as well as the use of probiotics can give positive results on allergy management. In this review we present results of recent metaanalyses and consensus papers of international medical communities about use of probiotics and prebiotics in prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. Despite great scientific and practical interest to this topic, authors of metaanalyses bring our attention to the lack of evidence-based clinical trials.
Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр здоровья детей, Москва, Российская Федерация 2 Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова, Москва, Российская Федерация 3 Федеральный исследовательский центр питания, биотехнологии и безопасности пищи, Москва, Российская Федерация Дети дошкольного и школьного возраста относятся к группе риска развития недостаточности витаминов. Скрининг обеспеченности детей витаминами остается актуальной проблемой педиатрии. Цель исследования: определить распространенность низкой экскреции водорастворимых витаминов среди здоровых детей дошкольного и школьного возраста. Методы. Исследование проведено в марте-апреле 2017 г. У здоровых детей определяли экскрецию с мочой (утренняя порция, собранная натощак в течение 30-120 мин после ночного мочеиспускания) метаболитов витаминов С, В 1 , В 2 и В 6. Рибофлавин (метаболит витамина В 2) определяли спектрофлуориметрически титрованием рибофлавинсвязывающим апобелком; 4-пиридоксиловую кислоту (метаболит витамина В 6) и тиамин (метаболит витамина В 1)-флуоресцентным методом, аскорбиновую кислоту (метаболит витамина С)-методом визуального титрования реактивом Тильманса. Низкой (эквивалент недостаточности витамина) считали экскрецию тиамина
Relevance. Dairy-free diet is the basis of cow’s milk allergy (CMA) patient’s management. Duration of the diet is individual, but some children don’t develop tolerance.The aim of the study was to investigate health and growth indices in children with CMA depending on tolerance development by the age of five. Materials and methods. 153 children from 1 to 18 months with diagnosed CMA were included in the prospective study (76.5% with IgE-mediated form). The tolerance was determined after 6–12 months of a milk-free diet and at the age of 5 using an open challenge test. Anthropometry indices (Anthro Plus), levels of specific IgE (Immuno CAP 250) and IgG4 (ELISA) to dietary proteins and the presence of allergic diseases in children also were assessed.Results. 50.3% of children developed tolerance to cow’s milk protein after 6–12 months of a milk-free diet. By the age of 5 63.3% of patients had complete tolerance of dairy products. Partially formed tolerance was observed in 22.9%. 13.8% of patients still had clinical reactions to cow’s milk proteins. Patients with persistent CMA typically had IgE-mediated form, lower growth indices and multiple allergic pathology.Conclusion. The consideration of tolerance development predictors can allow to personalize the management of CMA. Additional researches are needed to clarify the causes of growth indices decline in children with persistent CMA.