Dps is a multifunctional homododecameric protein that oxidizes Fe2+ ions accumulating them in the form of Fe2O3 within its protein cavity, interacts with DNA tightly condensing bacterial nucleoid upon starvation and performs some other functions. During the last two decades from discovery of this protein, its ferroxidase activity became rather well studied, but the mechanism of Dps interaction with DNA still remains enigmatic. The crucial role of lysine residues in the unstructured N-terminal tails led to the conventional point of view that Dps binds DNA without sequence or structural specificity. However, deletion of dps changed the profile of proteins in starved cells, SELEX screen revealed genomic regions preferentially bound in vitro and certain affinity of Dps for artificial branched molecules was detected by atomic force microscopy. Here we report a non-random distribution of Dps binding sites across the bacterial chromosome in exponentially growing cells and show their enrichment with inverted repeats prone to form secondary structures. We found that the Dps-bound regions overlap with sites occupied by other nucleoid proteins, and contain overrepresented motifs typical for their consensus sequences. Of the two types of genomic domains with extensive protein occupancy, which can be highly expressed or transcriptionally silent only those that are enriched with RNA polymerase molecules were preferentially occupied by Dps. In the dps-null mutant we, therefore, observed a differentially altered expression of several targeted genes and found suppressed transcription from the dps promoter. In most cases this can be explained by the relieved interference with Dps for nucleoid proteins exploiting sequence-specific modes of DNA binding. Thus, protecting bacterial cells from different stresses during exponential growth, Dps can modulate transcriptional integrity of the bacterial chromosome hampering RNA biosynthesis from some genes via competition with RNA polymerase or, vice versa, competing with inhibitors to activate transcription.
A strain of a hyperthermophilic filamentous archaeon was isolated from a sample of Kamchatka hot spring sediment. Isolate 1807-2 grew optimally at 85 °C, pH 6.0-6.5, the parameters being close to those at the sampling site. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis placed the novel isolate in the crenarchaeal genus Thermofilum; Thermofilum pendens was its closest valid relative (95.7 % of sequence identity). Strain 1807-2 grew organothrophically using polysaccharides (starch and glucomannan), yeast extract or peptone as substrates. The addition of other crenarchaea culture broth filtrates was obligatory required for growth and could not be replaced by the addition of these organisms’ cell wall fractions, as it was described for T. pendens. The genome of strain 1807-2 was sequenced using Illumina and PGM technologies. The average nucleotide identities between genome of strain 1807-2 and T. pendens strain HRK 5T and “T. adornatus” strain 1910b were 85 and 82 %, respectively. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny, ANI calculations and phenotypic differences we propose a novel species Thermofilum uzonense with the type strain 1807-2T (= DSM 28062T = JCM 19810T). Project information and genome sequence was deposited in Genbank under IDs PRJNA262459 and CP009961, respectively.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40793-015-0105-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The complete genome sequence of a novel halophilic archaeon, Salinarchaeum sp. strain HArcht-Bsk1T, was determined using next-generation sequencing. The genome comprises a 3,255,260-bp circular chromosome with a G+C content of 66.7%. Automatic annotation of the genome revealed a single rRNA operon, 45 tRNAs, and 3,013 protein-coding gene sequences.