Hybrid fiber-wireless transmission of 2-Gbps signals in 60-GHz band over a composite channel (10-km SMF/1-km MMF/6.5-m wireless) is experimentally demonstrated for gigabit inbuilding wireless access using simple direct modulation, optical upconversion and envelope detection.OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (060.5625) Radio frequency photonics.
IntroductionMillimeter-wave (MMW) wireless communication is receiving tremendous research interests to explore the potential of broadband wireless data transmission in future wireless personal area networks (WPAN) to support bandwidth-hungry services such as high-definition television (HDTV), 3D gaming and high-speed data access. Due to the high atmospheric loss of MMW signal, radio-over-fiber (RoF) technique is generally considered as an attractive solution to extend the reach of MMW wireless networks. Several MMW RoF systems have been proposed and demonstrated recently in the literature [1][2][3][4]. Additionally, in all MMW bands, 60-GHz band has been considered to be standardized for future WPAN networks by several working groups such as ECMA, . In order to commercialize 60-GHz RoF systems for next-generation high-speed wireless networks, it is highly desirable to develop a system with less complexity and low power consumption transceivers as a large number of remote antenna units (RAUs) and user terminals are to be deployed in the networks.Regarding the optical fiber plant, single-mode fibers (SMFs) have been widely deployed in optical core/metro/access networks, and well studied in the previously proposed MMW RoF systems. On the other hand, multi-mode fibers (MMFs) are predominantly deployed in in-building networks as a backbone for local area networks (LANs) (approximately from 85% to 90%) due to several advantages such as low cost, easy installation and maintenance [8]. When developing a system to meet the increasing demand for high-bandwidth services, it is greatly encouraged to efficiently utilize this existing infrastructure. Together with SMFs in access networks, the reuse of MMF for distribution of MMW signals through in-building optical networks to WPAN networks will tremendously save fiber reinstallation cost. The schematic of such system is presented in Fig. 1. MMW signal is generated optically at the central office (CO) and then distributed to user terminals through a composite channel including SMF, MMF and wireless link. Several experiments on MMF based RoF systems have been reported [9-11 and references therein]. However, to the best of our knowledge, 60-GHz over MMF system has not been demonstrated yet. The reported highest frequency and data rate so far are 38.8 GHz and 900 Mbps over 100-m MMF [10]. Data transmission over a composite channel has been demonstrated at low bitrate and low RF frequency: 120-Mbps data at 31.14 GHz over 20-km SMF plus 300-m MMF and 3-m wireless link [11]. For future deployment of 60-GHz system, it is important to evaluate the performance of 60-GHz signal over such composite channel.In this pape...