BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Very little is known about the epidemiology of chronic pain in Brazil; especially in the case of multiple pain prevalence surveys. Knowing about the prevalence of chronic pain in the Brazilian population is an important step in revealing the scope and magnitude of its effects, providing a guide to preventive and intervention strategies, mainly public policies. The objective is to review descriptively the publications made in Brazil to estimate the prevalence of chronic pain in the Brazilian population. CONTENTS: The search in the indexed database of the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES with the Descriptors in Health Sciences: "Prevalence" and "Chronic Pain" returned, after the screening, a total of 10 articles. The prevalence of chronic pain varied from 29.3 to 73.3%, affecting more women than men and the most prevalent site was the dorsal/lumbar region. Most of the studies showed percentage higher than the estimated for the world population. However, we cannot say that the prevalence of chronic pain in the Brazilian population is higher since the values of the surveys reflect only regional data. CONCLUSION: The studies found in this review showed a recent interest in the epidemiology of chronic pain in the country, all in the last decade. However, they do not allow an accurate estimate, and more studies are needed to obtain a representative prevalence of the Brazilian population.