Figure 1: Sample results using our sparse PS reconstruction. By using just 5 input images (left), our method can recover very high quality 3D face geometry with fine geometric details.
AbstractWe present a novel 3D face reconstruction technique that leverages sparse photometric stereo (PS) and latest advances on face registration/modeling from a single image. We observe that 3D morphable faces approach[15] provides a reasonable geometry proxy for light position calibration. Specifically, we develop a robust optimization technique that can calibrate per-pixel lighting direction and illumination at a very high precision without assuming uniform surface albedos. Next, we apply semantic segmentation on input images and the geometry proxy to refine hairy vs. bare skin regions using tailored filters. Experiments on synthetic and real data show that by using a very small set of images, our technique is able to reconstruct fine geometric details such as wrinkles, eyebrows, whelks, pores, etc, comparable to and sometimes surpassing movie quality productions.