Jatropha production is still low, thereforedevelopment of high-yielding varieties by hybridization is needed This study aimed to determine heterosis and heterobeltiosis in jatropha and estimate the mode of gene action. The hybridizations were carried out between two improved population and one provenance, well known as high yield genotypes as female parents, and 18 provenances indicating high oil content as male parentsat Karangploso Experimental Station, Malang, East Java in 2010. In 2011, F1 seeds were planted in Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo, East Java and then were selected with criteria high fruit number and seed yield. The selected F1, were clonally multiplied using stem cutting and were planted in 2012 for evaluation purposes. The results showed that theheterosis and heterobeltiosis values from hybrid jatrophawere varied. The crossing between HS49 X SP65, HS49 X SP54, HS49 X SP103, IP3P X SP7, IP3A X SP65 and IP3A X Sp 89 demonstrated high significant positive heterosis and heterobeltiosis values. These hybrids could be used as materials for developinghigh-yielding varieties. The potence ratio of jatrophahybridwas found positively overdominance gene action which could be useful information for future jatropha breeding program.