Introduction Concepts and constructs are fundamental to the theory and practice of any profession. In occupational therapy, although some concepts and constructs, such as the Occupational Repertoire, are present and/or on the rise in theoretical-methodological frameworks, they have not yet been extensively and systematically investigated, defined, and debated in the production of national knowledge. Objective The objective was to analyze the use of the Occupational Repertoire construct in the national occupational therapy literature. Method A scoping review was carried out in the main national journals in the area and the Google Scholar platform published between 1990 and 2020. The Boolean search strategy was used, in which the descriptors (occupational repertoire) and (occupation repertoire) were combined with the OR operator. Thus, in all journals, the following sentence was maintained: (occupational repertoire OR repertoire of occupations). The sample consisted of 20 publications. Results Of the 20 publications that made up the analyzed sample, 7 were published in the Brazilian Interinstitutional Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5 in the Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 1 in the Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da USP and 7 in Google Scholar composing the gray literature (4 TCC, 1 paper, 1 abstract and 1 dissertation). The year of publication ranged from 2016 to 2020. Of the 20 publications that made up the sample, only the materials found in the gray literature had the occupational repertoire as their object of study, in the other publications, the occupational repertoire appears either in the introduction, in the results, in the discussion and/or final considerations as a complement/secondary element to the purpose of the publications. Conclusion Although the “occupational repertoire” construct corroborates the practice and theoretical discussion of occupational therapists in the international context, in Brazil, the literature on this construct is still incipient. Therefore, the importance of developing future research on the subject is highlighted, providing a dialogue between professionals, in addition to favoring the recognition and constitution of the profession.