“…In extreme cases, mental and physical impairments may partially or totally affect a particular sensory ability, as occurs in cases of visual impairment, in which touch-and-go approaches, i.e, teaching and learning with tactual resources can be an alternative in replacing the visual perception (Galassi & Akos, 2017;Camargo, 2010;Mantoan, 1997). Some experiences have been reported in the literature (Xavier, 2018;Sobral et al, 2017;Maravalhas & Bastos 2015;FONTES;Cardoso & Ramos, 2012;Camargo, 2010;Camargo, Nardi & Veraszto, 2008;Costa, Neves & Barone, 2006;Moreira, 2014Moreira, , 2015Moreira, , 2016Moreira & Manrique, 2014a, 2014b. Moreira (2014Moreira ( , 2015Moreira ( , 2016aMoreira ( , 2016b they have been working with materials, methods, activities and teacher training that teach mathematics to students with special educational needs (SEN).…”