Abstract. Inconsistencies of the accounting policy in business enterprise health care institutions with the legal and regulatory requirements, and the imperatives for forming the accounting policy of medical institutions in the new conditions of their reforms are determined by exploring their accounting procedures. The specifics of payment of value added tax by medical institutions are analyzed. Scientific-medical recommendations on accounting policy improvements with respect to the accounting of liabilities, including value added tax, are substantiated. The essential characteristic of the definition «related party» is given in keeping with the standards of accounting and tax law, accounting of transactions with related parties, with providing recommendations on the accounting of related parties. Methodical provisions on the accounting policy of incomes, stocks and expenses, pertaining to the classification and evaluation of incomes from medical services are specified. The structure of management report compiled by business entities, including medical institutions, is specified, with demonstrating that the process involved in the compilation of report is conditional on the accounting data and judgement of the management personnel, realized through the accounting policy. Based on an analytical review of methods for the compilation of report on monetary flows generated by operational activities (direct and indirect method), it is proposed that medical institutions should use indirect method as more informative one for users of financial reporting. The necessity to form information about incomes, expenses, financial results, assets and liabilities of reporting segments and its disclosure in the financial reporting is demonstrated. Recommendations on organization of an effective system for internal control of health care institutions are developed, with outlining the main areas of its organizational support in view of preventing risky events. The procedure for forming information required for the compilation of reports on management, monetary flows, and reports by segments, which is supposed by comply with all the essential aspects of a selected conceptual framework of financial reporting is shown.
Keywords: accounting policy, heath care institution, financial reporting, control.
JEL Classіfіcatіon M41, M48, I18
Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 4; bibl.: 18.