Aim: To analyze by means of the basic lexicography, the most frequent vocabulary in the reports of the health professionals about therapeutic workshops and its relation with the psychosocial rehabilitation of the PCC users.
Methods:A descriptive study with a qualitative approach developed with seven professionals from a Psychosocial Care Center in a city in the Northeast of Brazil. The data were obtained through interviews, which were processed in the IRaMuTeQ software and analyzed by the word cloud and similarity analysis.
Results:The most frequent words in the word cloud were "activities, workshop, caps" and in the similarity tree the most prominent lexicons were: more, workshop, activity, therapeutic, patient, work and no.
Conclusion:The software consented to consider carefully the material collected, qualifying the process of categorization and connectivity between words, assisting in the identification of the representation structure and enabling the visualization of the understanding of therapeutic workshops as spaces of interaction and socialization and as an important device for treatment for the individual with psychic suffering at the Center for Psychosocial Attention.