Objective: Validate the content of an instrument that assesses the quality of a software applied to the risk classifi cation of patients. Method: Methodological study, conducted in three stages: adaptation of the instrument, content validation through Delphi technique and pre-test. The results were analyzed through Content Validity Index, Overall Content Validity Index and Inter-rater Reliability. Results: The fi nal version of the instrument comprises 8 characteristics and 28 sub-characteristics, being 37 general questions to computer experts and nurse and 7 specifi c questions to computer experts, including 1 question and excluding 3 questions of the original instrument. We obtained Overall Content Validity of 92% and Inter-rater Reliability of 100% in the second Delphi round. Final considerations: The instrument has content validity, allowing to assess the technical quality and functional performance of the software applied to the risk classifi cation of patients.
976Validation of instrument to assess software of patients' risk classification Pegoraro LGO, Gvozd R, Haddad MCFL, Vannuchi MTO, Silva LGC, Rossaneis MA.Processes (PROCenf-USP) through an instrument that contemplated the last resolution specific to this type of assessment (3) .
OBJECTIVETo validate the content of an instrument that assesses the quality of a software applied to the risk classification of patients.
METHOD Ethical aspectsThis study was approved in April 27, 2016 by the Research Ethics Committee of the Londrina State University (UEL).Study design, location, and period This is a methodological and applied study, with a quantitative approach, carried out from April to October 2016, consolidated in three stages, namely: instrument adaptation, validation of content and pre-test. The study was held in a medium-sized public secondary hospital, located in the State of Paraná, Brazil.
Study protocolFor validation of this instrument we opted for the Delphi technique, a systematized method of judgment of information intended to reach the consensus of opinions about a particular subject, regarding the knowledge of a committee of experts, through validations articulated in rounds, maintaining anonymity.(15) Content validation is held by questioning various experts who analyze the representativeness of the items that integrate the object of analysis (16) . The instrument chosen in its original version aims to assess the software quality of the Electronic Document System of Nursing Processes PROCenf-USP ®(3) , which includes the latest update from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), specific to the assessment of the software.The original instrument contains 8 characteristics and 31 subcharacteristics directed to computer experts and nurses, they are: functional adequacy (functional integrity, functional correction and functional fitness); performance efficiency (time, resources, and capacity); compatibility (coexistence and interoperability); usability (recognitio...