A bilingual e-module that is systematically structured and linked to contextual problems can help students learn independently anywhere and anytime, especially in a pandemic that applies distance learning. RME is an approach that views mathematics as an activity/ process in contextual problems so that students find their own understanding. This study examines the feasibility of an RME-based bilingual e-module on 3D shapes with curved surfaces materials from expert judgment on material, language, and media. This research model is the ADDIE model. There are 6 validators (2 material experts, 2 media experts, and 2 linguists). The research instrument was in the form of assessment based on expert judgement. The results showed that both material, media, and language used for the RMEbased bilingual e-module is "feasible" to use in mathematics learning. Keywords: e-module, bilingual, digital, RME. ABSTRAK E-modul bilingual yang disusun secara sistematis dan dikaitkan dengan masalah kontekstual dapat membantu siswa belajar mandiri di manapun dan kapanpun, terlebih di masa pandemi yang menerapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh. RME merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang memandang matematika sebagai aktivitas/proses dalam masalah kontekstual sehingga siswa menemukan pemahamannya sendiri. Penelitian ini mengkaji kelayakan e-modul bilingual berbasis RME pada materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung dari penilaian ahli materi, bahasa, media.Model penelitian ini adalah model ADDIE.Validator berjumlah 6 orang (2 ahli materi, 2 ahli media, dan 2 ahli bahasa).Instrumen penelitian berupa angket penilaian ahli. Berdasarkan penilaian ahli, baik materi, media, maupun bahasa, e-modul bilingual berbasis RME "layak digunakan" dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata Kunci: e-modul, bilingual, digital, RME. Feasibility of RME-Based Bilingual E-Module on 3D Shapes with Curved Surfaces Based on experts' judgment on material, media, and language, the bilingual RME-based emodule on the curved-side geometry material is "feasible" for use in mathematics learning. The development of digital teaching materials should be further expanded. Because this research was only limited to the 3D shapes with curved surfaces material. Then, further research can try to see the potential effects of e-module that have been developed.