The research aimed to evaluate techno-economic on liquid smoke production from coconutshells in small business, CV Prima Rosandries, Jember. The techno analysis was determinedby calculating work capacity and yield, which resulted in 2,04 kg/hour dan 49,22%,respectively. In cost analysis, CV Prima Rosandries required IDR186,750,000.00 as firstcost and IDR110,358,000.00 for annual-operation costs, also gained annual incomesIDR151,200,000.00 and estimated-asset value IDR15,525,000.00. In investment evaluation,parameters, such as NPV, AE, BCR, RoR, and PBP, showed that the investment was infeasible and profitable condition. To gained a break-even point, CV Prima Rosandriesobliged to sell 46,542 products and costly IDR372,336,449.00. In the sensitivity analysis,percentage changes in investment factors resulted in 16.29% for interest rate, 32.13% forfirst cost, 8.85% for annual cost, and -6.46% for annual benefit.