In the industrial world, a very significant ergonomic problem is manual handling [8]. Manual handling is all the activities of a person using his limbs to do work such as lifting, lowering, pushing, carrying and moving loads. Potential hazards resulting from manual handling activities can be at risk of causing spinal disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the program, procedure and implementation of manual handling work at PT Matrix Primatama Cirebon. The methodology in this study uses qualitative methods. Data obtained by direct observation and interviews obtained from the company. The results obtained from the research are manual handling programs at PT Matrix Primatama Cirebon in the form of socialization and training. The manual handling work procedure is contained in the document number P/SOP/K3/006 which refers to law number 1 of 1970 concerning work safety, Permenaker number 5 of 2018 concerning K3 work environment and government regulation number 50 of 2012 concerning the implementation of SMK3. Implementation of manual handling is implemented properly in accordance with company procedures. The conclusion obtained is that there are 2 manual handling programs, namely socialization and training, manual handling procedures refer to several legal aspects, namely law number 1 of 1970, Permenaker number 5 of 2018 and government regulation number 50 of 2012. Implementation of manual handling is safe because does not exceed NAV and is carried out according to procedures.