Pollen samples were collected in three different periods from 11 Melipona capixaba Moure & Camargo hives and analyzed with melissopalynological methodology. A total of 33 pollen types were identified, of which 23 genera and 15 families were identified. The following families showed the highest pollen richness: Fabaceae (7), Myrtaceae (3), Solanaceae (3), Arecaceae (2), Asteraceae (2), Euphorbiaceae (2), Melastomataceae/Combretaceae (2), Rubiaceae (2), and Sapindaceae (2). The most frequent pollen types (>45%) were Eucalyptus, which generated great similarities between the samples, except one in which the Tibouchina was predominant. Although the majority of the pollen types showed low percentage values, the results demonstrated that M. capixaba has taken advantage of the polliniferous sources available in the Atlantic Rainforest as well as in the "Capoeira" (brushwood, secondary forest) and "ruderal" (field) plants, probably implying its importance as a pollinator of the native flora and of the exotic species.