Materials lacking in-plane symmetry are ubiquitous in a wide range of applications such as electronics, thermoelectrics, and high-temperature superconductors, in all of which the thermal properties of the materials play a critical part. However, very few experimental techniques can be used to measure in-plane anisotropic thermal conductivity. A beam-offset method based on timedomain thermoreflectance (TDTR) was previously proposed to measure in-plane anisotropic thermal conductivity. However, a detailed analysis of the beam-offset method is still lacking. Our analysis shows that uncertainties can be large if the laser spot size or the modulation frequency is not properly chosen. Here we propose an alternative approach based on TDTR to measure in-plane anisotropic thermal conductivity using a highly elliptical pump (heating) beam. The highly elliptical pump beam induces a quasi-one-dimensional temperature profile on the sample surface that has a fast decay along the short axis of the pump beam. The detected TDTR signal is exclusively sensitive to the in-plane thermal conductivity along the short axis of the elliptical beam.By conducting TDTR measurements as a function of delay time with the rotation of the elliptical pump beam to different orientations, the in-plane thermal conductivity tensor of the sample can be determined. In this work, we first conduct detailed signal sensitivity analyses for both techniques and provide guidelines in determining the optimal experimental conditions. We then compare the two techniques under their optimal experimental conditions by measuring the in-plane thermal a) Electronic mail: Ronggui.Yang@Colorado.Edu of both methods in measuring the in-plane anisotropic thermal conductivity. In the end, the two methods are compared by measuring the in-plane thermal conductivity tensor of a ZnO [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] sample.
II. METHODOLOGIESBoth the elliptical-beam method and the beam-offset method are based on TDTR, which is a powerful and versatile technique that has been applied to measure thermal properties of a wide range of thin films, 14-16 multilayers, 17,18 nanostructured and bulk materials, 19,20 and their interfaces. 21-23 TDTR uses two synchronized light sources, referred to as the pump (heating) and the probe (sensing) beams. The pump beam deposits a periodic heat flux on the sample surface and induces a temperature change in the sample, which is then monitored by measuring the change in the intensity of the reflected probe beam. A schematic diagram of a typical TDTR system is shown in Figure 1(a). More details of the system implementation have been described elsewhere. [24][25][26][27][28][29] Particularly, there are two features of the system relevant to this work that are worth mentioning here: (1) The polarizing beam splitter (PBS) in front of the objective lens is gimbal-mounted so that the pump beam can be steered to enable the operation of the beam-offset method while the position of the probe beam is unaffected. (2) A pair of cylindrical lenses can b...