One of the functions of criminal procedural law is to enforce material law. The point is to reveal the material truth. Since it was enacted, the criminal procedure code has not been separated from the "test" of its application. The various kinds of exercise include: professionalism of law enforcement, challenges to Indonesia's geographic areas, and the issue of the Covid 19 Pandemic. The Covid 19 outbreak has an impact on the implementation of a criminal proceeding, therefore it creates an obstacle for the meeting of parties in an open and fairly criminal justice system. The Attorney General's office through the Attorney General instruction No. 5 of 2020 mandates all levels of prosecutors to conduct hearings by teleconference. The online trial also approved by Supreme Court with Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) No. 1 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for implementing tasks during the prevention period of the spread of Covid 19. Based on this, there are conflicting rules. In Articles 11 and 12 of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning judicial power, the trial is attended by 3 (three) judges assisted by the registrar, the public prosecutor, and the defendant who must be present in the court building room. This obligation is also regulated in several provisions of Articles 154, 159, 196, 227 (2), and 230 (1) and (2) of the Criminal Procedure Court. Based on this, the main problems are: (i) What is the validity of the teleconference/online trial according to legislation? (ii) What is the aspect of legal protection for the accused in the trial process? The research method used is juridical normative by analyzing legal materials against legal concepts and norms in a qualitative and prescriptive manner. The purpose of the research is (i) to find the legal validity of teleconference/online trial, (ii) to find the legal protection of the defendant in the teleconference/online trial process. This research resulted in: (i) Although the validity of the teleconference/online trial is not clear and clean, it is a way out for delay of justice; (ii) The legal protection of the defendant can be provided according to the minimum standards stipulated by the criminal procedure code. Since the Covid 19 Pandemic uncertain, law enforcement must continue and creativity is needed. We suggest that Perpu No. 1/2020 should also contain mechanisms for criminal proceedings to ensure legal certainty.