AbstrakGelatin merupakan produk yang banyak diperlukan dalam berbagai industri, yaitu industri pangan maupun non-pangan. Penggunaan gelatin yang sangat luas menyebabkan kebutuhan gelatin Indonesia selalu mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Hingga saat ini, belum terdapat industri gelatin dalam negeri, sehingga perlu penelitian tentang sumber gelatin, terutama dari limbah perikanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan ekstraksi gelatin kulit ikan tuna sirip kuning dengan perlakuan suhu (55, 65 dan 75 o C). Sifat-sifat gelatin yang diteliti yaitu rendemen, pH, kekuatan gel, viskositas, analisis gugus fungsional, bobot molekul, dan komposisi asam amino. Suhu ekstraksi 75 o C adalah perlakuan terpilih. Perlakuan tersebut mempunyai rendemen sebesar 17%; pH 5,3; kekuatan gel 1789,55 gf; viskositas 104,2 Cp. Gugus fungsi pada perlakuan tersebut terdapat amida A, I, II, dan III. SDS-PAGE menunjukkan pita β, α1 dan α2. Komposisi asam amino utama yaitu glisina dan prolina.
Kata kunci: asam amino, histologi, suhu, SDS-PAGE
Characterization of Fish Skin Gelatin Yellowfin TunaAbstract Gelatin is one of the products which become a necessity for various industries, i.e. food and non-food industries. The application of gelatin has been increasing year by year in Indonesia. However, there is no gelatin industry in Indonesia so far. Thus, it is necessary to find an alternative source of gelatin, especially from fishery by products.Thus, the purpose of this research was to extract fish skin gelatin of yellowfin tuna with temperature treatments (55, 65 and 75 o C). In addition, the properties of resulted gelatin were determined including yield, pH, gel strength, viscosity, functional groups, molecular weight profiles, and amino acid composition. The extraction at 75 o C was chosen as the best result. The yield was 17%; pH 5.3; gel strength 1789.55 gf, viscosity 104.2 Cp, respectively. There was functional group amide A, I, II, dan III. SDS-PAGE showed β, α1 dan α2 bands for tuna skin gelatin. In addition, the main amino acids were glycine and proline.