Let R denote the linear space over R spanned by z k , k ∈ Z. Define the real inner product ·, · L :. . } with respect to ·, · L yields the even degree and odd degree orthonormal Laurent polynomialsAssociated with the even degree and odd degree OLPs are the following two pairs of recurrence rela-, where β 0 = γ 1 = 0, β 1 > 0, and γ 2l+1 > 0, l ∈ N. Asymptotics in the double-scaling limit N , n → ∞ such that N /n = 1 + o(1) of the coefficients of these two pairs of recurrence relations, Hankel determinant ratios associated with the real-valued, bi-infinite strong moment sequence {c k = R s k exp(−N V (s)) d s} k∈Z , and the products of the (real) roots of the OLPs are obtained by formulating the even degree and odd degree OLP problems as matrix RiemannHilbert problems on R, and then extracting the large-n behaviours by applying the non-linear steepest-descent method introduced in (Ann. Math. 137(2):295-368, 1993) and further de-