Let Λ R denote the linear space over R spanned by z k , k ∈ Z. Define the real inner product (with varying exponential weights)Define the even degree and odd degree monic orthogonal Laurent polynomials: π π π 2n (z) := (ξ (2n) n ) −1 φ 2n (z) and π π π 2n+1 (z) := (ξ (2n+1) −n−1 ) −1 φ 2n+1 (z). Asymptotics in the double-scaling limit as N, n → ∞ such that N/n = 1+o(1) of π π π 2n+1 (z) (in the entire complex plane), ξ (2n+1) −n−1 , φ 2n+1 (z) (in the entire complex plane), and Hankel determinant ratios associated with the real-valued, bi-infinite, strong moment sequencek∈Z are obtained by formulating the odd degree monic orthogonal Laurent polynomial problem as a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem on R, and then extracting the largen behaviour by applying the non-linear steepest-descent method introduced in [1] and further developed in [2,3].