“…To determine an upper bound on ALl.L,+, note the highest exchange current density reported for the Li-Lif at 298 K is 31.6 mA/cm2 (Verbrugge and Koch, 19941, yielding AL,.=,+ = 54.9 kA/cm2. In general, the reported exchange current densities are typically about an order of rnagnitude lower than this (Butler et al, 1969;Meibuhr, 1970Meibuhr, , 1971JornC and Tobias, 1974;Epelboin et al, 1980;Scarr, 1986;Morzilli et al, 19871, and a value of A = 5.49 kA/cm2 was used for the base case. Various sensitivities are done in the results and discussion section that elucidate the importance of this parameter.…”